27 March 2010 to 1 April 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone
Registration is now closed. Timetable now available!

Details of poster session

29 Mar 2010, 15:20
1h 50m
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map


1. Magnetic anisotropy of a UFe5Al7 single crystal ANDREEV, Alexander S 2. Field-Induced Phase Transitions in UIrGe Probed by Ultrasound Measurements Dr. YASIN, Shadi 3. High-pressure hydrogen doping into the UTGe compounds. Ms. ADAMSKA, Anna Maria 4. Electrical properties of (Pu,Lu)Pd3 Dr. LE, Manh Duc 5. On the existence of cerium (IV) orthophosphate, ‘Ce3(PO4)4’ Mr. BORHAN, Adrian Mr. APETRACHIOAIEI, Bogdan 6. Synthesis and characterization of MIVSiO4 compounds Mr. COSTIN, Dan Tiberiu 7. Synthesis of nanocrystalline oxide fuel Ms. JOVANí ABRIL, Raquel 8. Initial electron back-scattered diffraction observations of Ce-La alloy Dr. SCOTT, Thomas 9. Distribution of soil-to-plant transfer factors for the natural uranium isotopes in the vegetation in zones affected by uranium mines Mrs. CRISTACHE, Carmen Ileana 10. 234U/238U disequilibrium studies in soil and vegetation samples from tailing dumps Dr. BRAGEA, Mihaela Gladiola 11. Isothermal section of the U-Fe-Ge ternary system at 900ºC Ms. HENRIQUES, Margarida 12. High-field metamagnetism in UCo2Si2 SKOURSKI, Yurii 13. Crystallographic study of new phases from the U–Zn–Al ternary system VERBOVYTSKYY, Yuriy 14. Considerations on the U-Fe-B ternary system Dr. PEREIRA GONçALVES, António 15. Long-term behavior of thorium-plutonium phosphate-diphosphate solid solutions Prof. DACHEUX, NICOLAS 16. Techniques elaborated for the R&D on fission targets for SPIRAL2 Ms. HY, Botoum 17. High temperature drop calorimetry for actinide samples VALU, octavian 18. Synthesis and Characterization of Carbide Foams for the SPES target Mr. CORRADETTI, Stefano 19. Transport and thermodynamic properties of UFe2Zn20, Mr P. Swatek

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