jean-christophe griveau
28/03/2010, 15:50
Strongly correlated behaviours, superconductivity, quantum criticality
The ThCr2Si2 (body centered I/4mmm) structure has long been typical of systems presenting striking physical properties. Two compounds presenting this structure, namely CeCu2Si2[1] and URu2Si2[2] are unconventional superconductors, and the nature of the coupling mechanism is still under debate 30 years after their discovery. Here we have focused on Transuranium systems (TU) with this structure...
a p pikul
28/03/2010, 16:10
Strongly correlated behaviours, superconductivity, quantum criticality
Kondo effect in the presence of ferromagnetism in U1–xThxNiSi2
Adam P. Pikul and Dariusz Kaczorowski
W. Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, P Nr 1410, 50–950 Wrocław 2, Poland; e-mail: A.Pikul@int.pan.wroc.pl
The compound UNiSi2 crystallizes with an orthorhombic structure of the CeNiSi2-type and exhibits a ferromagnetic...
Daniel Gnida
(Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences)
28/03/2010, 16:30
Theory, electronic structure
The ternary uranium arsenide U2Cu4As5 crystallizes with a body-centred tetragonal structure of its own type (space group I4/mmm, lattice parameters: a = 3.990 Ă, b = 24.299 Ă) [1]. Magnetic susceptibility measurements revealed that the compound orders antiferromagnetically at TN = 189 K [1]. The onset of the ordered state is accompanied by a rapid drop in the electrical resistivity [1]. Here,...
Mathieu Pasturel
(Sciences Chimiques de Rennes)
28/03/2010, 16:30
Strongly correlated behaviours, superconductivity, quantum criticality
Several binary or ternary uranium based germanides have been reported to exhibit superconductivity at low temperatures, that emerges either from paramagnetic state (e.g. U7Ge, U5Ge3 [1]) or from ferromagnetically ordered state, in ambient pressure conditions (e.g. URhGe [2], UCoGe [3]) or under applied hydrostatic pressure (e.g. UGe2 [4]). In the search for other germanides with interesting...