Manh Duc Le
(Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialen und Energie)
29/03/2010, 09:20
UPd3 is a rare example of a compound where the low temperature ordered phase involves the alignment of electric quadrupoles of the f-electrons on neighbouring ionic sites, rather than their magnetic dipole moments. We show inelastic neutron spectra of the dispersion of crystal field excitations in UPd3, which are consistent with RPA calculations assuming quadrupolar exchange interactions...
eric colineau
(European Commission)
29/03/2010, 09:40
The actinide compounds AnX3, where X is an element from Group IIIA or IVA, crystallize in the cubic AuCu3 structure. They are characterized by an actinide-actinide interatomic distance far above the Hill limit, therefore 5f–ligand hybridization is the main mechanism responsible for the delocalization of the 5f electrons. The systematic of this hybridization has been well demonstrated for the...
António Pereira Gonçalves
(Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear)
29/03/2010, 10:00
Strongly correlated behaviours, superconductivity, quantum criticality
Magnetic ordering in the heavy-fermion compound UZn12
A.P. Gonçalves1,*, D. Gnida2, P. Estrela3,4, A. de Visser4, E.B. Lopes1, I. Catarino5, G. Bonfait5, M. Godinho6, M. Almeida1, D. Kaczorowski2
1 Dep. Química, Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, P-2686-953 Sacavém, Portugal.
2 Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, P.O.Box 1410, 50-950 Wroclaw,...
Anna Maria Adamska
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
29/03/2010, 10:00
Strongly correlated behaviours, superconductivity, quantum criticality
Several unconventional superconductors, i.e. those where non-phonon mediated superconductivity is considered, can be found among U-based compounds. Such materials occur at the onset of magnetic order, and magnetic fluctuations have to be considered as a key ingredient of a pairing mechanism. A recently investigated example of such an unconventional compound is UCoGe, reported to be a weak...