Weak Interaction Physics at SARAF

14 Jun 2018, 14:55


RWTH Aachen University 52074 Aachen, Germany


Mr Ben Ohayon (Racah Institute of Physics)


In this talk I will review the current status of the radioisotopes trapping program at the Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF), and prospects for measurements at the upgraded accelerator: SARAF-II.

In our new lab complex, situated above the SARAF target room, we utilize two systems: An electrostatic-ion-beam-trap,designed for trapping various radioactive ions, starting with $^6$He; and a magneto-optical trap, which is designated for various rare neon isotopes, starting with $^{23}$Ne.

Both traps are equipped with novel designs for the detection of recoiling particles from nuclear $\beta$-decay and precise measurements of the kinematic correlations between them. These correlations are sensitive to scalar- and tensor-current interactions which are suggested by some beyond standard model (BSM) theories [2]. Bounds on exotic interactions from the precision and high-energy frontiers are interpreted in the framework of a model-independent effective field theory approach [3].

[1] I. Mardor et. al., The Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF) - Overview, Research Programs and Future Plans (2018).

[2] J A Behr and G Gwinner, Standard model tests with trapped radioactive atoms (2009).

[3] M. Gonzalez-Alonso, O. Naviliat-Cuncic, N. Severijns. New physics searches in nuclear and neutron $\beta$-decay (2018).


Mr Ben Ohayon (Racah Institute of Physics)


Dr Hitesh Rahangdale (Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Israel) Mr Yonatan Mishnayot (Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Israel. Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel) Dr Ish Mukul (RIUMF National Particle Accelerator Center, Canada) Mr Chocron Joel (Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Israel) Dr Tsviki Hirsh (Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel) Dr Sergei Vaintraub (Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel) Mrs Ayala Glick-Magid (Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Israel) Prof. Doron Gazit (Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Israel) Prof. Guy Ron (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Prof. Oded Haber (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

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