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Short theo-exp chat on Top-EFT


People present:

Gauthier, Fabio, Alexander, Nadjieh

Main topic of discussion:

The public document

  • The public document will be out once the theory content is ready
  • A UFO model based on the operators in the document will be introduced
  • Possible Exp feedback: once the first (alpha) version of the UFO model is ready, it will be given to the closed community of Exp (essentially CMS and ATLAS contacts)
    • Should not be distributed as it will not be the final one and is subject to change
    • Exp will try it to assess the technical parts to the extent that is possible: is everything working as expected? is there any technical bug somewhere?
    • Eventually, for the very first public draft, Exp may come up with a technical recipe to use the UFO model
      • By the way, it may or may not be in the first public draft as it depends how things are ready on theory side, i.e. if the draft is ready to go on theory side, it won't be delayed for this recipe, etc.

Additional topic:

Question on the EFT basis

  • The aim of this common Theo-Exp effort is to define as set of recipe and how-to's
  • There might be indeed compromises for the gain in longer term.
  • Agreeing on the EFT basis is part of this although for any choice, part of the theory and experimental communities may not feel fully comfortable
  • The current effort will be based on Warsaw bases
  • In any case, particularly for top physics, the differences with other bases are on small things. Mainly the 4-fermion part might be different.
  • Of course it might be a bit difficult to change to new basis at the beginning but will be hopefully worth it in longer term, in view of common works between theorists, experimentalists and both communities together
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