Axel Drees
05/09/2017, 09:00
Luis Alvarez-Gaume
05/09/2017, 09:10
George Sterman
05/09/2017, 09:15
Dmitry Tsybyshev
(Stony brook Universty (US)),
Giacinto Piacquadio
(State University of New York (US)),
John David Hobbs
(Stony brook Universty (US))
05/09/2017, 09:20
Andrew Stephen Chisholm
05/09/2017, 09:30
Nicolas Morange
(Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
05/09/2017, 10:30
Discussion of latest ATLAS Higgs to bb results
Michelangelo Mangano
05/09/2017, 11:15
Next steps in H to bb beyond inclusive signal strength: which differential measurements should we produce, where should we look for new physics, how should we parametrize potential new physics contributions
Valerio Dao
(Stony Brook University)
05/09/2017, 13:30
Stefan Hoeche
05/09/2017, 13:50
Including a discussion of gluon splitting uncertainties and heavy flavor overlap removal.
Carlos E.M. Wagner
(University of Chicago)
05/09/2017, 14:15
Paul Thompson
(University of Birmingham (GB))
05/09/2017, 15:30
Laura Reina
(Florida State University (US))
05/09/2017, 15:50
Tomas Jezo
(University of Zurich)
05/09/2017, 16:25
Joseph David Lykken
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)),
Michelangelo Mangano
Young-Kee Kim
(University of Chicago (US))
05/09/2017, 17:30
Aimed at the general public (with participation from Long Island schools)