17–19 Oct 2017
University of Tartu
Europe/Zurich timezone


Meeting dinner

17 Oct 2017, 19:00
112 (University of Tartu)


University of Tartu

University of Tartu, Institute of Technology (Seminar room in National Archives of Estonia, Nooruse 3, room 112, located in next building from Institute of Technology). Google maps location: https://www.google.ee/maps/place/Rahvusarhiiv/@58.3658365,26.6902259,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x46eb36e189a5d5e9:0xef66b806df4188d4!8m2!3d58.3658337!4d26.6924199

Presentation materials

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