
Astroparticle Physics

9 Oct 2017, 11:00
Aula A (GGI Arcetri)

Aula A

GGI Arcetri


Astroparticle Physics

  • Stefania De Curtis (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))

Astroparticle Physics

  • There are no conveners in this block

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
09/10/2017, 11:00
Prof. Subir Sarkar (University of Oxford (GB) and Niels Bohr Institute (DK))
09/10/2017, 11:10
Yann Mambrini
09/10/2017, 12:00
Dr Stefano Gariazzo (IFIC-CSIC/University of Valencia)
09/10/2017, 14:55
Joseph Bramante (Queen's University & Perimeter Institute)
09/10/2017, 15:50
Building timetable...