2nd review of the EuroCirCol WP5
The charge of the review includes comments and recommendations on:
- Are the baseline parameters considered in the study credible for a FCC CDR?
- In the CDR we will describe a baseline design, with also a brief description of alternatives. The proposed baseline design is the cosinetheta: do you support this choice or would you suggest a different one?
- Do you have any suggestions for improvements to the design options presented during the review?
- Is there any specific additional study that you suggest to perform in view of the preparation of the FCC CDR?
- Do you have any comments on the EuroCirCol WP5 Road-Map?
The Review Panel is composed of:
- Steve Gourlay (Chair), LBNL
- Giorgio Ambrosio, FNAL
- Diego Arbelaez, LBNL
- Luisa Chiesa, TUFTS (remote)
- Joseph Minervini, MIT
This review is part of the EuroCirCol meeting organized at CERN on 09 and 10 October 2017 (http://indico.cern.ch/event/655013/)