13 November 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Panel Discussion

13 Nov 2017, 17:55
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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moderated by Sebastian Bott


- Xavier Rouby, Entrepreneurship, Data Science and Innovation

Xavier holds a PhD of the Université catholique de Louvain, which he obtained in 2008. During his PhD he was a member of the CMS collaboration, where he investigated many aspects of the photon induced physics at the LHC, doing hardware R&D, software R&D development as well as big data analytics.
He is now working as an entrepreneur. In Pfease, Opal Solutions and Swan Insights, he has been building, recruiting and managing local & international teams of data scientists, IT experts and leveraging marketing & sales skills of partners. One big achievement has been the creation and development of Swan Insights, leading to its acquisition by the Bisnode Group.

- Lee de Mora, Marine Ecosystem Modeller

Before becoming a marine biologist in July 2011, Lee acquired a Ph.D from University of Lancaster in High Energy Experimental Particle physics, where he worked on flavour tagging and lifetime measurements of beauty hadrons in the ATLAS collaboration.
Lee is a marine ecosystem modeller at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory in the UK. He works on the development, evaluation and validation of global scale marine and climate models. He leads the marine model evaluation toolkit development for the UK Earth System Model (UKESM), the UK's contribution to the sixth Climate Model Intercomparison project (CMIP6), which will feed into the next round of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.
He has also contributed to a range of shorter projects, including studies on the impact of leaks in carbon capture and storage sites in the North Sea, and a pilot study which pioneers the use of surfers as a platform for collecting data on the near shore environment.

- Sarah Livermore, Head of modelling at UK Committee on Climate Change / UK Government Operational Research Service

After finishing her doctorate on exotics searches with ATLAS in 2013, Sarah joined the UK Government Operational Research Service (GORS). She has worked in three different roles within GORS, on subjects as diverse as tax collection, to long-term forecasting of energy demand, to finding the best way for the UK to meet its ambitious climate change targets. All these roles have involved using data analysis and modelling to help with better decision-making at the heart of Government.

- Jacopo Nardulli, Private school teacher

After a few years at CERN, as PhD, postdoc, fellow and in the CERN spin off company, ADAM, active in the field of medical physics, where he worked both as a physicist and as a technical director, he is now employed as a Physics & Chemistry teacher in the Institut Florimont, where he mostly teaches in the International Baccalaureate section.

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