9:00 AM
Hans Muller
Jochen Kaminski
9:05 AM
Status of Medipix-3, plans for TimePix-2
Xavier Llopart Cudie
9:30 AM
SRS (Scalable Readout System) status and targets
Hans Muller
9:45 AM
DATE via Gigabit Ethernet, status
Filippo Costa
(Valencia, CERN)
10:00 AM
Chip matrix past and outlook for SRS
Sorin Martoiu
10:15 AM
Firmware for the SRS
Z. Yin
(CCNNU Wuhan)
11:00 AM
towards the scalable readout system: FEC electronics for APV25, AFTER and Timepix
Jose Toledo
(U. Valencia)
11:30 AM
APV25 based readout system, VME based for GEM tracker for JLab
Paolo Musico
(INFN Rome)
12:00 PM
A TPC for the Crystal Ball Experiment at Mainz
Jochen Kaminski
(U. Bonn)
12:15 PM
Status of GOSSIPO-3
Jochen Kaminski
(U. Bonn)
12:25 PM
Status of micro HV
Fred Hartjes
12:35 PM
Status of IfLink
Harry van der Graaf
12:45 PM