29–31 Jan 2018
AGH Computer Science Building D-17
Europe/Zurich timezone

CERNBox Service

29 Jan 2018, 18:35
AGH Computer Science Building D-17

AGH Computer Science Building D-17

AGH WIET, Department of Computer Science, Building D-17, Street Kawiory 21, Krakow
Presentation Site reports


Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN)


CERNBox is a cloud synchronisation service for end-users: it allows synchronising and sharing files on all major desktop and mobile platforms (Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Android, iOS) aiming to provide universal access and offline availability to any data stored in the CERN EOS infrastructure.
With 12000 users registered in the system, CERNBox has responded to the high demand in our diverse community to an easily and accessible cloud storage solution that also provides integration with other CERN services for big science: visualization tools, interactive data analysis and real-time collaborative editing.
We report on our experience managing the service and on the underlying technology that will allow us to move towards a future unified CERN Home directory service.


Presentation materials