29–31 Jan 2018
AGH Computer Science Building D-17
Europe/Zurich timezone


Cloud Infrastructure&Software Stacks for Data Science

30 Jan 2018, 09:00
AGH Computer Science Building D-17

AGH Computer Science Building D-17

AGH WIET, Department of Computer Science, Building D-17, Street Kawiory 21, Krakow


Format: oral presentations, 20 minutes + 5 minutes QA
Classical networked storage systems typically accepted science data in bulk uploads, often after processing; as a consequence, stored data usually wasn’t live in the sense of fresh from the instrument. Similarly, efforts at building Virtual Research Environments (VREs; essentially cloud-based science toolchains) haven’t seen great uptake, again because the tools are only useful if they have fresh data to operate on, and users typically do not good discipline at regular uploading of data taking runs.

In contrast, synched data stores hold what can be considered live data – thereby offering the possibility of performing first-line scientific munging / workflow / analytics on the cloud platform, rather than on researchers’ desktops. This opens up interesting possibilities of transparent compute scaling, GPU compute, science package management etc. not normally available on researcher-managed (desktop) platforms. This stream is intended to showcase such novel opportunities.


  • Virtual Research Environments
  • Data Management and Workflows
  • File Transfer & Distribution
  • Virtualization: Open Stack, Open Nebula
  • Containers and Orchestration: Kubernetes, Mesos
  • Analytics: Hadoop,Spark
  • Compute and Grid services

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