KAIST-Korea University Joint Worshop

Korea University

Korea University

Minho Son (KAIST), Seung Joon Lee (Korea University)

Topics related to physics of the electroweak symmetry breaking are expected to be discussed (model-building, collider physics, baryogenesis, QCD, flavor physics- broad range of topics related to LHC physics are to be covered. However there will be more emphasis on Higgs, EWSB and BSM physics), with a special focus on the electroweak phase transition.

The workshop aims to bring together experts from KAIST and Korea University, as well as some invited speakers outside of Korea.

There will be a program that has an overlap with Seoul meeting at KIAS.

  • Friday 15 September
    • Working Group Presentation: Blackboard Talk
      • 1
        Cosmic Baryogenesis in EFT
        Speaker: Minho Son (KAIST)
      • 2
        Prospect for trilinear Higgs coupling measurement at the HL LHC
        Speaker: Yasuhito Sakaki (KAIST)
      • 3
        Constraints and Implications on Higgs FCNC Couplings from Precision Measurement of Bs→μ+μ− B s → μ + μ − Decay
        Speaker: Fang Ye (KAIST)
      • 11:00
        Coffee Break
      • 4
        Continuum Naturalness
        Speaker: Seung Joon Lee (Korea University)
      • 5
        Ordered Kinematic Endpoints for 5-body Cascade Decays
        Speaker: Matthew Klimek (Korea University)
      • 6
        Proton and neutron electromagnetic form factors and uncertainties
        Speaker: Gabriel Lee (Korea University)
    • 12:20
    • Joint Seminar KIAS


      • 7

        Abstract: I will introduce and review the Higgsplosion mechanism proposed in
        my recent work with Michael Spannowsky https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.03447, https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.04365, https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.01531.

        Higgsplosion is a dynamical mechanism that introduces an exponential suppression of quantum fluctuations beyond the Higgsplosion energy scale and further guarantees perturbative unitarity in multi-Higgs production processes. We argue that Higgsplosion regulates all n-point functions, thereby embedding the Standard Model of particle physics and its extensions into an asymptotically safe theory. There are no Landau poles and the Higgs self-coupling stays positive.
        We also argue that the effects of Higgsplosion alter quantum corrections from very heavy states to the Higgs boson mass. Above a certain energy, which is much smaller than their masses, these states would rapidly decay into multiple Higgs bosons. The loop integrals contributing to the Higgs mass will be cut off not by the masses of the heavy states, but by the characteristic loop momenta where their decay widths become comparable to their masses. This suppresses the radiative corrections from the heavy states to the Higgs boson mass, solving the Hierarchy problem.

        Speaker: Valentin V Khoze (Durham University)
    • 15:00
      Discussion and Coffee Break
    • Working Group Discussion
    • Banquet
  • Saturday 16 September
    • Working Group Discussion
    • 11:00
      Lunch Break