Superconductor Hackathon

3179/R-E06 (CERN)



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CERN's Superconductor Hackathon is a highly innovative activity striving to help bringing promising technologies to industry. During a 3-days workshop in September this year, interdisciplinary teams will work on the following tasks:

- Identification and evaluation of promising application fields for the latest generation of Intermediate Temperature Superconductors
- Development of concepts and illustrations of potential solutions
- Design of viable commercialization strategies

The teams participating in the Hackathon will consist of technical and management students as well as experts from industry. While competing for the best application ideas, they will be coached and supported by Technology Transfer experts from WU Vienna, Fraunhofer, and CERN.

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    • 1
      Welcome & Introduction


      Markus Nordberg (CERN, IdeaSquare)
      Johannes Gutlber (CERN, FCC study office)
      Peter Keinz (WU Vienna)

      Who am I?
      Objectives of workshop, agenda, idea wall
      Design thinking process intro

    • 2
      Flywheels – rotating for stability

      Dr. Achim Hobl. Head of Department Industrial Applications, Magnet Technologies (Babcock Noell GmbH).

      Cloud-based applications are leading to soaring data volumes and an increasing need for secure storage, driving growth among large data centres as well as a shift towards more efficient UPS solutions. An innovative superconductor-based implementations based on flywheels comes with reduced environmental footprint, lower maintenance need, longer lasting lifetime and thus lower Total Cost of Ownership.

    • 3
      Superconductivity for fruit shorting machines

      David Hall (Senior Director Technology Innovation at Equinix)

    • 4
      Heading to the future

      A new generation for ground and space(?) transportation

      Swissloop consists of a team of 40 physics, mathematics, electrical-, mechanical- and civil engineering students at the ETH Zurich that is complemented by design and business students from Switzerland. Their objective is to design and build a prototype for this new kind of ground transportation: the Hyperloop. What is the role that superconductivity could play in transforming our transportation?

      Speaker: Mr Luca Di Tizio (ETH)
    • 11:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • 5
      User research & interview preparation
    • 12:30 PM
    • 6
      Empathy map & User journey
    • 3:10 PM
      Coffee break
    • 7
    • 8
      Cooperation and Openness
    • 9
      Reflection, Idea wall, outlook
    • 10
      Minesweeper game
    • 8:00 PM
      Fondue in town

      L'auberge communale de Meyrin

    • 11
      Welcome Back
    • 12
      News of the Future Inc. short presentation
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • 13
      Objects, experiences, systems
    • 12:00 PM
    • 14
      Visit to CERN Microcosm - Globe of Science and Innovation
    • 15
      Prototyping and Testing
    • 16
      Hackathon character
    • 17
      Welcome Back
    • 18
      Develop your story
    • 19
      Presentation of Prototypes
    • 20
    • 21
      Group picture
    • 12:30 PM
      End-of-program drinks