WG5: Detector Requirements and R&D


CENF-ND-WG5 Meeting, 18.09.2017

17 persons were connected to the meeting.



CENF Introduction (S.Bordoni)


See slides


-) PLAFOND includes the possibility to get some PCB or mechanical structure designed at CERN? Has to be discussed in the specific case but should be possible in principle within the PLAFOND initiative.


WG5 Introduction  (E.Radicioni)


See slides.


-) it was mentioned that calorimeters are an important detector type to be considered for common projects

-) How to separate CENF and collaboration deliverables since there will be normally a certain overlap? This depends on the case but the focus lays on the common interests

-) For common testbeam projects it is suggested to establish contacts to AIDA2020

-) Future meetings: Doodle for week day and hour will be opened, for the beginning bi-weekly meetings but this might be changed in the future, depending on the level of activity and frequency of other meetings


Lecce Group introduction  (P. Bernardini )


See slides.


-) It was pointed out that the photo detection sensors for the cosmic ray detectors could be a common interest project

-) In which WG should be the simulation studies related to photo detection? Background studies probably better in WG4 but hardware related issues in WG5


Integrated Argon detector for DUNE  (A. Bross )


See slides.


-) currently developed setup for stability and gain measurements at high pressure by using ALICE TPC wire chambers, with the goal of establishing the best Ar-based gas mixture with the least amount of quenchers.

-) it would be useful to perform the same kind of measurements with Ne-based mixtures; this is the typical case of common interest in a measurement or R&D activity

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:30 14:45
      CENF Introduction 15m
    • 14:45 15:00
      WG5 introduction 15m
      Speaker: Emilio Radicioni
    • 15:00 15:15
      Lecce Group introduction 15m
      Speaker: Paolo Bernardini (INFN Lecce e Universita del Salento (IT))
    • 15:15 15:30
      Integrated Argon detector for DUNE 15m
      Speaker: Alan Bross (Fermilab)