Takashi Nakamura
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
18/11/2009, 09:10
Recent experimental results on Coulomb and nuclear breakup for neutron drip-line nuclei at the newly commissioned RIBF at RIKEN are presented. Coulomb breakup reaction is a useful tool to probe halo structure since the cross section is enhanced due to the large E1 transitions at low excitation energies (soft E1 excitation) for halo nuclei. We have measured inclusive Coulomb breakup cross...
Kathrin Wimmer
(Physik Department E12, Technische Universitaet Muenchen)
18/11/2009, 09:40
The "Island of inversion" is a region in the nuclear chart around the neutron rich N=20 isotopes of Ne, Na and Mg, where intruder fp-orbitals favoring deformed shapes compete with the normal spherical sd configurations.
Transfer reactions yield important spectroscopic information, i.e. spin and parity assignments as well as spectroscopic factors, complementary to the information obtained...
Michael Seidlitz
(Institut für Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln)
18/11/2009, 10:00
For the $^{28,29,30}$Na isotopes a gradual transition from the usual filling of the neutron levels into the region with low lying 2p-2h cross shell configurations, the so-called island of inversion, is described by theory [1,2]. Detailed theoretical predictions for the transition strength are awaiting experimental verification in all three Na nuclei. Collective properties of excited states of...
Joerg Kraemer
(University Mainz, Germany)
18/11/2009, 10:20
The nuclear charge radius is a critical probe for testing nuclear models and detecting anomalies in the nuclear structure. The isotopic chain of magnesium exhibits intruder configurations with the pf shell being populated before the sd shell is complete. In this “island of inversion” the nuclear charge radii would indicate this structural change, expected to happen in the step from 30Mg to...
Bradley Cheal
(The University of Manchester, UK)
18/11/2009, 11:40
Laser spectroscopy has been performed on isotopes of gallium at ISOLDE. This work reports the first use of ISCOOL (a gas-filled linear Paul trap) for new laser spectroscopic experiments. Ground state nuclear spin values, magnetic dipole moments, electric quadrupole moments and mean-square charge radii have been extracted for isotope masses in the range A = 67 − 82. An inversion of ground state...
Dennis Mücher
(Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne)
18/11/2009, 12:00
Recently the energy of the first 2+ state in the N=60 96Kr nucleus was determined to be 241 keV. This was the first experimental observation of an excited state in this highly exotic nucleus. The 2+1 state in 94Kr is located at 665.5 keV, i.e. E(2+1) drops by more than 400 keV at N=60. This lowering of the 2+1 energy indicates a sharp shape transition behavior which is somewhat similar to that...
Sarah Naimi
(Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse (CSNSM))
18/11/2009, 12:20
The results of two recent ISOLTRAP experiments are discussed in this contribution.
(1) Sudden offset of deformation around N=60
(or, Reformation of Kr isotopes around N=60)
Whereas canonical nuclear structure decrees a sub-shell closure at
N=56, neutron-rich Zr and Sr istopes are known to exhibit sudden
and intense deformation instead. This deformation, visible from a
deep dent in...
Pieter Vingerhoets
(Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, K.U.Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200D B-3001 Leuven, Belgium.)
18/11/2009, 12:40
In this presentation we report on the measurement of the magnetic and quadrupole moments of the Cu isotopes with collinear laser spectroscopy at the Collaps beamline, along with the extraction of the mean square charge radii of the Cu isotope chain.
The Cu isotopes have only one proton outside the magic Z=28 shell, and have therefore attracted a lot of nuclear research interest in the past...
Moumita Maiti
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
18/11/2009, 14:10
The proposed EURISOL facility is expected to be the world’s largest ISOL facility to produce a large variety of high intensity radioactive ion beam in near future. Unlike the existing ISOL facilities, mercury or lead-bismuth target will be exploited simultaneously as neutron converter and coolant in the EURISOL facility. A large number of radionuclides will be produced as a result of a few GeV...
Seung-Woo Hong
(Sungkyunkwan University)
18/11/2009, 14:40
In 2009 the Korean government announced a plan to construct a Heavy Ion Accelerator facility in Korea. A plan to construct a Heavy Ion Accelerator to produce rare isotope beams is underway. The construction of this facility will be one of few mega-projects for basic science research facility in Korea. This facility tentatively referred to as KoRIA (Korea Rare Isotope Accelerator) is planned as...
Michael Hass
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
18/11/2009, 15:40
The standard model of particle physics has proved to provide a good
description of almost all known particle physics processes. Despite it's suc-
cesses, however, the standard model is known to be incomplete, eg. in that
the standard model parameters are arbitrary and derived from experiment
rather than a priori.
Experiments to test for physics beyond the standard model are...
Viacheslav Mishin
(Institut for Spectroscopy RAS)
18/11/2009, 16:30
Although the selectivity of resonance ionization laser ion sources is high, nevertheless, it does not sufficiently large to carrying out many crucial experiments with radioactive isotopes particularly in studies of isotopes located very far from the valley of element stability.
This report discusses the improved selectivity of the RILIS made possible by in-source time-of-flight ion...
Karl Johnston
(Universitaet des Saarlandes)
18/11/2009, 18:00
A consequence of a project to grow enriched material for a re-definition of the kilogram, optical spectroscopy on the resulting crystals has revealed many unexpected properties of supposedly well-known (and certainly well-studied) optical centres in Silicon.
It has been shown that a dramatic reduction in linewidth of many deep luminescence centers in highly enriched 28Si can lead to the...
Maria J. G. Borge
(Inst.de Estructura de la Materia)
19/11/2009, 09:00
The provision of high-intensity accelerated radioactive beams (RIB) is currently of high priority for the nuclear physics community World wide.
ISOLDE has nowadays a vast variety of species produced, more than 1000 nuclei from almost 70 elements, the largest number by far of the existing ISOL-facilities. A key feature of the accelerated RIB at ISOLDE, REX-ISOLDE, is that essentially all...
Matteo Pasini
19/11/2009, 09:50
The HIE-LINAC R&D phase has started in 2008 with the prototyping of the "high" beta SC QWR cavity and detailed beam dynamics studies. We report here on the latest achievement in term of the cavity prototyping, the results of the beam optics studies and a proposal for the beams lines for the future experimental facilities.
Joakim Cederkall
(University of Lund)
19/11/2009, 11:30
Recent experiments at REX-ISOLDE as well as at fragmentation facilities, such as GSI and MSU, show an increased collectivity in the first 2+ state of the light Sn isotopes as compared to predictions from large scale shell model calculations. In this presentation we'll review some of the results and discuss recent measurements for the light Cd isotopes in view of a potential need for a...
Alexandrina Petrovici
(National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)-)
19/11/2009, 12:00
The investigation of shape coexistence phenomena dominating the structure of
A= 60 - 90 nuclei requires the framework of beyond mean-field approaches.
We use the {\it complex} Excited Vampir variational approach to describe
self-consistently the properties of proton-rich nuclei in this mass region.
We study dynamical aspects of exotic nuclear structure using realistic...
Nick Bree
(Inst. voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
19/11/2009, 12:20
Since a clear shape dissimilarity in the ground state of light odd-mass mercury isotopes was observed by means of isotope shift measurements [1], shape coexistence in this mass region has been an intensively studied phenomenon by means of in-beam spectroscopy and decay spectroscopy. For light even-mass mercury isotopes, it has been advocated that a prolate band at low excitation energy is...
Achim Richter
(Institut fuer Kernphysik,TU Darmstadt, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany and ECT*, Villa Tambosi, I-38100 Villazzano(Trento), Italy)
19/11/2009, 14:00
Sufficiently flat microwave resonators ("microwave billiards") are well suited to study the quntum mechanical behavior of classically chaotic systems because of the formal equivalence of the respective wave equations, i.e. the Helmholtz and the Schroedinger equation. Using a superconducting 2-dimensional chaotic billiard ("stadium") as an example, it is shown that its spectral properties...
Fedor Simkovic
(Comenius University)
19/11/2009, 14:50
Oscillations of two neutral atoms, which proceed with the violation of
lepton number, is proposed. One of the neutral atoms is stable, the other
one represents a quasistationary state subjected to electromagnetic
deexcitation. The underlying mechanism is a transitions of two protons
and two bound electrons to two neutrons $p+p+e^-_b+e^-_b \leftrightarrow n+n$.
A phenomenological...
Esther Estevez Aguado
(Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC)-Universitat de València-U)
19/11/2009, 15:10
M. E. Estevez Aguado , A. Algora, J. Bernabeu, and B. Rubio
(IFIC, CSIC-Uni. Valencia, Spain)
Abstract: Neutrino oscillation studies have demonstrated that neutrinos
have a mass and they mix. Next facilities will need pure, in flavour,
and intense beams for very long-baseline experiments with massive
detectors. The ultimate goal is the discovery and measurement of
CP violation in the...
Magdalena Kowalska
19/11/2009, 16:30
Penning traps are ideal tools not only for high-precision mass measurements, but also for isobaric and even isomeric beam purification. A system for beta- and gamma- spectroscopy installed behind the trap can be used for both assisting mass measurements and performing decay spectroscopy on pure samples in regions where contamination hampers standard measurements.
Installing such a system at...
Kieran Flanagan
(The University of Manchester)
19/11/2009, 16:50
The new Collinear Resonant Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment aims to study the rarest isotopes produced at ISOLDE by using a combination of two techniques: resonant ionization spectroscopy (RIS) and collinear laser spectroscopy. The initial proposal will study the rare Francium isotopes. On the neutron-deficient side the role of the deformed (πs1/2-1)1/2+ intruder state will be...
Monika Stachura
(University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences)
19/11/2009, 17:10
Perturbed Angular Correlation of γ-rays (PAC) spectroscopy is a techinque routinely used in solid state physics. However, it has also proved to be a method that allows for studies of biological systems, such as local structure at metal ion binding sites, dynamics of protein folding or protein–protein interactions.
In the present work we have selected some of the biological applications that...
Haraldur Gunnlaugsson
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 120, DK-8000 Århus C, Denmark)
20/11/2009, 09:00
Semiconductors, which are ferromagnetic at room temperature, are strived after as potential multifunctional materials. For ZnO, room temperature ferromagnetism has been achieved by doping with 3d transition metals making potential dilute magnetic semiconductors. However, contradicting results have been obtained and neither the conditions for, nor the origin of the magnetism are as yet...
Vítor Amaral
(Departamento de Física e CICECO, Universidade de Aveiro)
20/11/2009, 09:30
The search for new systems that exhibit simultaneous ferroelectric and ferromagnetic orders have recently motivated Physic and Materials Science scientific communities to a meticulous research, that beyond searching the simultaneous electric and magnetic orders also have as an objective the maximization of its coupling. These materials offer the possibility to manipulate electrically the...
Ulrich Wahl
(Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear ITN)
20/11/2009, 09:50
During the SiC-W RILIS Mg run in September 2009 we managed to do first on-line emission channeling lattice location experiments using 27Mg (9.46 min) implanted into GaN and AlN. The room-temperature as-implanted beta- emission channeling patterns showed that the large majority of ion implanted Mg is incorporated on Ga or Al sites. While the detailed analysis of this experiment by means of...
Thomas Wichert
(Technische Physik, Universität des Saarlandes)
20/11/2009, 10:10
It has been shown that the presence of an external Cd pressure effects the formation of so-called uphill diffusion profiles in CdTe around 800 K. This surprising diffusion behavior has meanwhile been demonstrated for the elements Ag, Cu, Au, and Na in radiotracer experiments using suited isotopes delivered by ISOLDE [1,2,3]. It has also turned out that uphill diffusion can also be initialized,...
Wolf Dietrich Zeitz
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH)
20/11/2009, 11:00
Taking advantage of its unique supply of radioactive isotopes, groups of experimentalists apply nuclear techniques to investigate the properties of solids, surfaces, and soft matter at ISOLDE. The methods of choice are Moessbauer, perturbed angular correlation, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. In addition to existing facilities, a set-up for the beta-NMR-technique has been...
P. Kessler
(Helmholz-Inst. f. Strahl.- u. Kernp-Univ. Bonn, Physikalisches I)
20/11/2009, 11:20
Earlier PAC measurements with 111In in GaN and AlN show a defect complex of the implanted In and a nitrogen vacancy (VN) which is stable up to high temperatures. This could give insights in the not well understood luminescence mechanism.
To gain more information about this complex we compared 111In(111Cd) with 111mCd(111Cd) measurements to check the possible influence of after effects that...
Rauno Julin
(Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä)
20/11/2009, 11:40
Light- and heavy ion beams from the K=130 cyclotron are used to produce nuclei far from stability at the Accelerator Laboratory of the Department of Physics of the University of Jyväskylä (JYFL), Finland. Novel instruments at the target and focal-plane areas of a gas-filled recoil separator for in-beam tagging measurements are available for probing structures of very neutron deficient and very...
Beyhan Bastin
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven-GANIL)
20/11/2009, 12:10
In the region around the Z=82 shell closure with neutron number around midshell between N=82 and N=126, shape coexistence occurs at low excitation energy. This phenomenon is well-established in the neutron-deficient polonium isotopes as evidenced by low-lying rotational like bands intruding in the low-energy structure.
Proton-pair excitations across the magic Z=82 along with the strong...
Maxim Seliverstov
(K.U. Leuven, Instituut voor Kern-en Stralingsfysica)
20/11/2009, 12:30
Shape coexistence at low excitation energy in nuclei is a phenomenon for which interest has been continuously growing on both the experimental and theoretical fronts. The region around the neutron mid-shell N = 104 and closed proton shell Z = 82 is especially prolific. The platinum isotope (Z = 78) ground states show a transition from the weakly deformed oblate shape at A < 176 and A > 188 to...
Lara Risegari
(Centre de Spectrométrie Nucléaire et de Spectrométrie de Masse (CSNSM)-91405 Orsay Campus, France)
In a recent experiment at the NICOLE on-line nuclear orientation facility, gamma ray anisotropy and nuclear magnetic resonance measurements were made on Hf isomeric states. A HfF3 beam was used to implant separated Hf isotopes into a magnetized pure nickel foil cooled to temperatures down to ~10 millikelvin.
A new NMR/ON resonance was observed in the 8- 180mHf isomer. Angular distribution...