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BLonD code development meeting

864/2-B14 - SALLE J.B.ADAMS (CERN)

864/2-B14 - SALLE J.B.ADAMS


Show room on map
  • Quick intro for Xavier
  • Code cleanup
    • Helga finished the cavity feedback
    • Konstantinos + Helga are now optimizing it
    • Helga explains how the OTFB and impulse response newly implemented modules work
    • Alex: llrf is calculated twice? Not if the cavity impedance is not added in the impedance model
    • Alex: FB for other machines? Impedance and llrf could be unified, if cavity feedback could described as an impedance
    • Danilo can the cavity feedback be used for his case?
    • Helga on the way the OTFB track works. You have to use the sliced version of the track.
    • Alex has some points to add on the cleanup.
      • GeneralParams --> Ring
      • simplified the way the alpha is passed
      • As well as other inputs
      • There is now Options + RampOtions objects
      • Not yet done the input check
      • If hid idea for the input check works with generalparams ,the same will be done for rfparams
      • Added stab unit-tests
      • Sanity check very useful, we should all use it
    • logger, there is something funny with it, it allocates time even with disabled debug messages
    • AP Konstantinos: Enhance sanity check to print by default the warnings for the files that have been touched
    • AP Helga + Konstantinos: Start attacking the assembler, present the progress in the next meeting
    • Impedances are more or less clean, not full complying with the standards of the rest of the code
    • distributions might be still broken
    • AP Joel will publish his development for bunch distributions
    • There are some ways to speedup the plotting progress
    • AP Danilo will test impedances
    • After the clean up is finished, we will release the version 2
    • By the end of the year we need to have version 2
    • AP subscribe in the abp cwg, ask about their access to the GPU cluster
  • Konstantinos presentation:
  • News around the table
    • Ivan on LHC simulations, he was trying some simulations with a 50Hz oscillations
    • Synchrotron radiation without quantum excitation, seems that there is a bug in the code because of beam going unstable if you dont put same voltage to all rf stations
  • AP Helga + Markus test the OTFB
  • Markus did some sanity checks on the cavity feedback module
  • Alex started simulations on intensity effects on the PS
    • Some first instabilities studies
    • working on data analysis
    • Will require a TECH to help with the tomogram, translating FORTRAN to C++
    • Helga: next big thing will be to work on the satellites of Blond
  • Next meeting in two weeks
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:30 11:00
      Code clean-up 30m
      Speakers: Alexandre Lasheen (CERN), Danilo Quartullo (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)), Helga Timko (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN), Mr Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN), Markus Schwarz (CERN), Simon Albright (CERN), Theodoros Argyropoulos (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular IFIC (ES))
    • 11:00 11:30
      GPU tests 30m
      Speaker: Mr Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN)
    • 11:30 12:00
      A.O.B. 30m
      Speakers: Alexandre Lasheen (CERN), Danilo Quartullo (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)), Helga Timko (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN), Mr Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN), Markus Schwarz (CERN), Simon Albright (CERN), Theodoros Argyropoulos (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular IFIC (ES))