Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

AIDA-2020 - Academia meets Industry - Non Destructive Testing

from Monday 23 April 2018 (01:30) to Tuesday 24 April 2018 (22:23)
Centro San Domenico

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
23 Apr 2018
24 Apr 2018
Industry and Academia on Non-Destructive testing (until 10:20) (Salone Bolognini)
09:00 CRF - Novel frontiers in Non-Destructive Testing for automotive parts - Nello LiPira   (Salone Bolognini)
09:20 Excillum - X-ray sources for high throughput and extreme resolutions - Emil Espes   (Salone Bolognini)
09:40 Pixirad/PANalytical - Pixirad: unique hybrid pixel detector technology for X-ray diffraction, scattering and imaging - Ronaldo Bellazzini Roelof de Vries Arjan Noordermeer   (Salone Bolognini)
10:00 X-ris - Digital Radiography flat panels (DR) with micro-focus portable X-ray generators (µF) - Thibault Maquet   (Salone Bolognini)
10:20 --- Coffee Break ---
Industry and Academia on Non-Destructive testing (until 12:20) (Salone Bolognini)
11:10 INFN Torino - Angelo Rivetti   (Salone Bolognini)
11:30 University of Bonn - Pixel Detector Integration: 3D and/or Monolithic - Norbert Wermes (University of Bonn (DE))   (Salone Bolognini)
11:50 MIT - Richard C. Lanza   (Salone Bolognini)
13:30 --- Registration ---
14:00 Introduction - Aurelie Pezous (CERN)   ()
14:10 Università di Insubria - Connecting the dots: the art, science & technology of imaging elementary particles of matter and light - Massimo Caccia   ()
Technologies from Academia (until 17:00) ()
14:30 Applus+RTD - Philip Van Meer   ()
15:00 ISQ - Wind turbine tower welding automatic inspection during manufacturing, using artificial vision for superficial inspection and Ultrasonic for volumetric inspection - José Pedro Sousa   ()
15:20 Teledyne ICM - CMOS Imaging Technology for NDT Applications - Thorsten Achterkirchen   ()
15:40 Nikon Metrology- High energy Micro CT applications - Carsten Rudolf   ()
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:20 Leonardo - Aircraft and helicopters- NDT's in Leonardo Company - Antonio Ciliberto Fabrizio Montagnoli   ()
16:40 Maser Engineering - 2D and 3D Non Destructive Analysis for electronic components and modules - Kees Revenberg   ()
Presentations with demos (until 17:40) (Salone Bolognini)
17:00 Advacam/Radalytica - Dual Arm Robotic System for NDT with single photon counting X-ray detectors - Richard Kaderabek (Radalytica s.r.o.) Mohamed Ghita (Advacam s.r.o.)   (Salone Bolognini)
17:10 Dectris - Photon Counting X-Ray Detectors for Applications in Inspection and Non-Destructive Testing - David Murer   (Salone Bolognini)
17:20 Amsterdam Scientific Instruments B.V - Hans Radhoe Hans Brouwer   (Salone Bolognini)
17:30 X-Spectrum GmbH - Detectors for fast & high-quality NDT - Vladislav Minukhov   (Salone Bolognini)
17:40 --- Demos and Network Cocktail dinner ---
B2B session, demos and finger food lunch (until 13:20) ()