After the completion of the CLIC Test Facility program at the end of 2016, there was a large user interest in converting one of electron beam lines (the "probe beam") into a test facility, open for external users. The user facility was approved for operation during 2+2 years by the CERN management, and the facility was named CLEAR. CLEAR saw first beam in August 2017. The facility offers a large parameter range, including single and multi-bunch operation at 1.5 GHz, bunch charges spanning from few pC to about 1 nC per bunch, bunch lengths from a fraction of a ps up to several ps, and emittances down to a few micrometer. A large number of experiments are currently under preparation or in the commissioning stage, including tests of novel beam instrumentation, plasma lens focusing and impedance measurements. In addition, several studies of linear collider technology is continued. We discuss the status and plans for the CLEAR user facility.
ATS Seminars Organisers: H. Burkhardt (BE), M. Modena (TE), T. Stora (EN)
Coffee / tea will be served after the seminar in room 30/7-012 next to the Auditorium