Participants: Simon Albright, Fanouria Antoniou, Thomas William Birtwistle, Fulvio Boattini, Jean-Baptiste Bonnamy, Dario Carloni, Julie Coupard, James Dilwyn Devine, Jose Antonio Ferreira Somoza, Eve Fortescue-Beck, Robert Froeschl, Georgi Minchev Georgiev, Matthias Haase, Antony Newborough, Gabor Petrika, Serge Pittet, Jerôme Rodary, Andrea Santamaria Garcia, Lars Soby.
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the LIU-PSB WG #207 were approved.
- The last LIU project team meetings were dedicated to preparing the Chamonix workshop. The next meeting will be focused on the review of the reliability run of LINAC4 during last year in preparation for the IEFC presentation.
- There is an opportunity to update the EVM baselines (work units, weights, and deliverables) until the 21st of February in view of the cost and schedule review meeting, happening the 26th-28th of March 2018.
- The EDMS document concerning the new PSB scrapers was modified and released
Follow-up of open actions
M. Buzio (2018-02-06): Provide document describing the specifications of the B-Train system.
- The document is finished and circulating, pending for approval. Action closed.
T. Dobers (2018-02-06): Produce the tilt measurement tool and perform measurements on spare / future magnets.
- Action extended to 2018-02-20.
G. Petrika (2018-02-06): Specify the steps to be taken during the removal of the heaters during the YETS.
- Presented today. Action closed.
G. P. Di.Giovanni (2018-02-06): Find space to store the materials for the finement cavities installation.
- M. Haase confirmed that the space in B192 will be free at the end of March. Action closed.
Status of the installation of the POPS-B converters in B25 (Fulvio Boattini)
- The modifications to the building are now nearly completed, including the explosion vents, the protection walls, and the supports below R-403.
- Concerning the power converters, the first one of three has arrived.
- The storage capacitors and magnetic components are installed and the main magnets are ready to connect to the new power converters.
- The air conditioning units and cooling towers are installed and operating, and the HVAC system is fully tested.
- The cable ladders are installed, as well as the 18kV switchgear.
- All cables outside B245 are pulled or will be before the end of YETS, except the control cables for the 18kV switchgear. These cables are mandatory for being able to start testing the power converters in June 2018. There is no indication of problems as of today, but the item is closely followed up.
- The cabling is, in general, is 50% completed and will be finished by April 2018.
- The blast resistant doors need to be ordered and the additional support for the false floors need to be finished.
- The cooling and air conditioning activities will be completed in April-May 2018 and during LS2.
- The electrical services are 70% completed and will be finished by May 2018.
- The power converter related activities are 40% completed and will be finished during 2018 and LS2. Again there is no indication of delay as of today, but the procurement is closely followed up.
- Concerning the budget codes, there are 88kCHF to spend in the budget code 76805. The budget code for the power converters has been re-budgeted to 11.5 MCHF from 12.65 MCHF.
- In conclusion, there are currently no show-stoppers. The installation of the 18kV cables and the arrival of the remaining power converters needs to be closely monitored.
Summary of the removal of the heating units in the BTM (Gabor Petrika)
- The old heating system in the PSB will be removed. It is located above the machine and it has not been used for decades.
- In order to remove it, the team needs access to the ceiling and needs to protect the machine from falling dust and water. Thick layers of dust have accumulated on top of the heating units and need to be removed before dismounting them. This waste needs to be treated separately as it contains asbestos.
- A pilot project was conducted in the BTM area during the first week of January in order to gain experience for the main intervention in the ring. During this intervention, mineral wool insulation was used around the pipes to be removed for machine protection.
- The waste was sorted into different yellow bins for the heating units, the asbestos-contaminated components, metallic parts, and insulation.
- Concerning the main intervention during LS2 12 yellow bins will be needed per type of waste.
- J. Coupard suggested holding a dedicated meeting to plan this activity since the dust generated during the removal of the units makes it impossible to open the vacuum at the same time. A. Newborough added that the BT magnets were covered in dust after the intervention in the BTM area.
- R. Froeschl asked if any of the waste went to conventional waste. G. Petrika answered that it didn’t. R. Froeschl commented that the team that handles the waste should be informed of the big volume of waste expected during the LS2 intervention.
- J. Coupard asked if the estimated time includes also installation of the new system. G. Petrika confirmed the time provided includes installation.
Tour de Table
- J. Devine reported that they are running behind schedule for the lighting installation.
- J. Coupard commented that they need to validate the “Installation Readiness for the Long Shutdown 2” EDMS document for the cost and schedule review, and suggested to present the status of the document in the next LIU-PSB meeting.
Next LIU-PSB meeting: 20th of February on the MD planning and priorities for 2018 by F. Antoniou and S. Albright.
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