Neutrino mass via fermion kinetic mixing; Scotogenic model in the context of SU(7) GUT; Neutrino mass and $R_{(K*)}$ and $R_{(D*)}$ anomalies via $R_2$ and $S_3$ leptoquarks

23 Aug 2018, 15:15
RAI-G-041 (Zürich)



Rämistrasse 74


Dr Oleg Popov (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)


I will talk on 1 of the following:

1) Generating neutrino mass via fermion kinetic mixing. I this work we show how neutrino masses can be obtained from the radiative fermion mixing of 2 or more dark fermions and what kind of consequences and signatures this scenario can have compared to other similar models of neutrino mass.

2) I this work we demonstrate how Scotogenic neutrino mass generation can be embedded in $SU(7)$ GUT with different possible phenomenology and signatures. In this scenario we have a low energy Pati-Salam like,$SU(4)_c\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)_R$, symmetry. We also show how the $SU(7)$ symmetry and subsequent symmetries can be broken down to SM, as well as investigate possible dark symmetries needed for Scotogenic scenario.

3) Here we focus on explaining $R_{(K*)}$ and $R_{(D*)}$ anomalies via $R_2\sim(3,2,7/6)$ and $S_3\sim(\bar{3},3,1/3)$ leptoquarks as well as simultaneously generating neutrino mass. We show that non of these leptoquarks can accommodate these anomalies alone and both are needed for simultaneous solution of $R_{(K*)}$ and $R_{(D*)}$ anomalies and neutrino mass generation. We study constraints and signatures of this model.

Affiliation Seoul-Tech
Academic position Post doc
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Arnab Dasgupta (Jamia Millia Islamia) Graham White (Monash University) Michael Schmidt (The University of Sydney) Dr Oleg Popov (Seoul National University of Science and Technology) Sin Kyu Kang (Seoul-Tech)

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