Searching for Low-Mass Dark Matter Particles: DAMIC, SuperCDMS and CRESST

23 Aug 2018, 14:00
RAI-G-041 (Zürich)



Rämistrasse 74


Silvia Scorza (SNOLAB)


Cosmological and astronomical observations indicate that the vast majority of the universe’s matter content is made out of dark matter. We have to look beyond the Standard Model of particle physics to find candidates for dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles. Over the past decades, we have largely focused on searching for dark matter within the 10 GeV-1 TeV mass range (WIMPs). The absence of a discovery has motivated us to broaden our experimental search program and to look for lighter dark matter particles in the sub-GeV mass range. In this talk, recent results and ongoing efforts in terms of detector technologies of the DAMIC, SuperCDMS and CRESST collaborations will be discussed.

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