The forthcoming AA collisions at the LHC promise to advance our understanding of Flavor, Strong Fields, Confinement, and Hadron Mass. For flavor we recognize QGP at LHC as the only physics system that has in one space-time spot all quark types present. I will look at observables suitable to explore dynamical differences among the heavy $c, b, t$ quarks in the deconfined domain filled with...
The NA61/SHINE experiment studies hadron production in hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions. The physics programme includes the study of the onset of deconfinement and search for the critical point as well as reference measurements for neutrino and cosmic ray experiments. For strong interactions, future plans are to extend the programme of study of the onset of...
NA61/SHINE (SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment) is a fixed-target experiment operating at the CERN SPS accelerator. The main goal of the Collaboration is to study the properties of the phase transition between confined matter and quark-gluon plasma by performing a two-dimensional scan of the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. Within this program, collisions of different systems...