EuPRAXIA - 8th Steering Committee Meeting




Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg Germany
Arnd Specka (Ecole Polytechnique France - CNRS/IN2P3), Paul Andreas Walker (DESY), Ralph Wolfgang Assmann (DESY)


The 8th EuPRAXIA Steering Committee Meeting will take place on December 14th, 2017, via WebEx

We kindly ask you to login from 08:30 (to have a time slot to solve any connectivity problems) that we can start the meeting on time at 09:00. 

Click to join:

Meeting-Nummer: 996 788 163

Should you not be able to connect via the email link please call:

DESY-External number: +49 40 8998 6000 (a computer asks you to type in the meeting number: 996 788 163)

or contact Ruth Mundt  +4940899892468

  • Andrea mostacci
  • Arnd Ernst Specka
  • brigitte cros
  • Dino Jaroszynski
  • francois MATHIEU
  • Jens Osterhoff
  • Jim Clarke
  • Jorge Vieira
  • Leonida Gizzi
  • Maria Weikum
  • Paul Andreas Walker
  • Phu Anh Phi nghiem
  • Ricardo Torres
  • Ruth Mundt
  • Sonja Jaster-Merz
  • Ulrich Dorda
  • Zulfikar Najmudin
    • CiscoMeeting opening and testing
    • Welcome and administrative business: Approval of agenda
    • Welcome and administrative business: Approval of minutes from 7th Steering Meeting
    • Welcome and administrative business: Action items from 7th Steering Meeting
    • Round table: (WP1-WP14): short verbal report, no slides
    • 2nd study version parameter
      • 1
        2nd study version parameter
        Speaker: Paul Andreas Walker (DESY)
    • Round table: Follow-up 2nd Yearly Meeting (few slides welcome from WP leaders) Discussion of baseline, included backup options, not included backup options
      • 2
        WP1 Management (M)
        Speaker: Ralph Wolfgang Assmann (DESY)
      • 3
        WP2 Physics and Simulations (PS)
        Speakers: Alban Mosnier, Jorge Vieira (Instituto Superior Técnico), Luis Silva (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
      • 4
        WP3 High Gradient Laser Plasma Accelerator Structure (HGLPAS)
        Speakers: Brigitte Cros (LPGP CNRS), Zulfikar Najmudin (Imperial College)
      • 5
        WP4 Laser Design and Optimization (LDO)
        Speaker: Leonida Antonio (Leo) Gizzi (CNR and INFN)
      • 6
        WP5 Electron Beam design and Optimization (EBDO)
        Speakers: Dr Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu), Enrica Chiadroni (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
      • 7
        WP6 FEL Pilot Application (FPA)
        Speaker: Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
      • 8
        WP7 HEP and Other Pilot Applications (HOPA)
        Speakers: Arnd Specka (Ecole Polytechnique France - CNRS/IN2P3), Roman Walczak (University of Oxford)
      • 9
        WP8 Outreach and Liaison (OL)
        Speakers: Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool), Hidding Bernhard
      • 10
        WP9 Alternative-Beam Driven Plasma Structure (AEBDPS)
        Speaker: Pardis Niknejadi (DESY)
      • 11
        WP10 Use of Other Novel Technologies
        Speaker: Ulrich Dorda (DESY)
      • 12
        WP11 FEL Application Prototyping
        Speakers: Andreas Maier (Universität Hamburg), victor malka (LOA)
      • 13
        WP12 Accelerator Prototyping and Experiments at Test Facilities
        Speakers: Prof. Andrea Mostacci (Sapienza University of Rome e INFN-Roma I (IT)), Rajeev Pattathil
      • 14
        WP13 Alternative Radiation Generation
        Speaker: Dino Jaroszynski (University of Strathclyde)
      • 15
        WP14 Hybrid Laser-Electron-Beam Driven Accelerator
        Speakers: Alberto Martinez de la Ossa (DESY), Bernhard Hidding
    • AOB
    • Adjourn