The AMADEUS collaboration is performing experimental investigations in the sector of the low energy strangeness hadron physics.
The strategy consists of taking advantage of the monochromatic low-momentum negatively charged kaons produced by the DA$\Phi$NE collider,
investigating the K$^-$ nuclear absorption proceses in the materials of the KLOE detector, used as an active target.
The K$^-$ single and multi-nuclear absorption on H, ${}^4$He, ${}^{9}$Be and ${}^{12}$C, both at-rest and in-flight (p_$K-$=100MeV), are studied with the aim to determine the nature of the controversial $\Lambda(1405)$, the non-resonant hyperon pion formation amplitude below the $\bar{\mathrm{K}}$N threshold, the yield and cross sections of K$^-$ multi-nucleon absorptions intimately connected to the antikaon multi-nucleon clusters properties and the $K^-$ scattering cross sections on light nuclear targets.