11–15 Mar 2018
Kopaonik, Serbia
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Mass shift of charmonium states in $\bar p A$ collision

13 Mar 2018, 11:00
Kopaonik, Serbia

Kopaonik, Serbia

Hotel Angella 43.2853° N, 20.8094° E Kopaonik бб, 36354 Kopaonik Serbia


Gyorgy Wolf (Wigner FK)


The masses of the low lying charmonium states, namely, the $J/\Psi$,
$\Psi(3686)$, and $\Psi(3770)$ are shifted downwards due to the
second order Stark effect. In $\bar p + \text{Au}$ collisions at
$6-10$~GeV we study their in\,-\,medium propagation. The time
evolution of the spectral functions of these charmonium states is
studied with a Boltzmann\,-\,Uehling\,-\,Uhlenbeck (BUU) type
transport model. We show that their in\,-\,medium mass shift can be
observed in the dilepton spectrum. Therefore, by observing the
dileptonic decay channel of these low lying charmonium states,
especially for $\Psi(3686)$, we can gain information about the
magnitude of the gluon condensate in nuclear matter. This
measurement could be performed at the upcoming PANDA experiment at


Gyorgy Wolf (Wigner FK) Peter Kovacs (Wigner RCP) Miklos Zetenyi (Wigner RCP, Budapest) Su Houng Lee (Yonsei University) Mr Gabor Balassa (MTA Wigner FK)

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