Jordi París-López
(Institut für Physik, University of Graz)
A fully Poincaré-covariant bound state equation derived from a Functional Renormalisation Group equation, the Wetterich equation, via dynamical hadronisation is solved within an effective gluon-decoupled low-energy QCD system, the Quark-Meson model, yielding fully dressed non-perturbative n-point functions for both fermionic and mesonic fields. The problem of analytically continuing the correlators to time-like momenta to get access to observables is discussed. Some preliminary results and comparison between this approach and the Dyson-Schwinger / Bethe-Salpeter equation one will be shown.
Jordi París-López
(Institut für Physik, University of Graz)
Reinhard Alkofer
(University of Graz)