We will discuss a calculation of large-Nc masses of light mesons from the QCD sum rules. Two methods based on the use of linear radial Regge trajectories will be presented. We put a special emphasis on the appearance of pole near 0.5 GeV in the scalar isoscalar channel which emerges in both methods and presumably corresponds to the sigma-meson.
In this talk I will briefly review the theory of resonances dynamically generated from hadron-hadron scattering, sometimes referred to as "molecules". I will give some classical examples of meson-meson and meson-baryon systems, as well as a few examples of different approaches to describe the interaction between hadrons. To conclude I will comment on a few recent works that suggest some of the...
QCD-like theories provide testing grounds for truncations of functional equations at non-zero density, since comparisons with lattice results are possible due to the absence of the sign problem. As a first step towards such a comparison, we determine for various theories the chiral and confinement/deconfinement transitions from the quark propagator Dyson-Schwinger equation by calculating the...