A fully Poincaré-covariant bound state equation derived from a Functional Renormalisation Group equation, the Wetterich equation, via dynamical hadronisation is solved within an effective gluon-decoupled low-energy QCD system, the Quark-Meson model, yielding fully dressed non-perturbative n-point functions for both fermionic and mesonic fields. The problem of analytically continuing the...
Understanding the energy loss of partons traversing the strongly interacting matter created in heavy ion collisions is one of key goals of the heavy ion physics program. After a brief introduction to the field and explaining connections of heavy ion physics and high-energy QCD physics, we present results of phenomenological analyses of various recent jet quenching data. The core of the model...
We use recently formulated framework of perfect fluid hydrodynamics with spin
to study space-time evolution of spin polarization in heavy-ion collisions.
We consider various initial conditions for the hydrodynamic background and
different forms of the spin tensor to study consequences of various physical
assumptions for the time evolution of the system's polarization.
[1] W. Florkowski, B....