Talks - Tue, Morning, 1st session: (20min talks + 10min discussions)
- George Rupp (IST)
Models based on chiral symmetry predict the baryonic states with exotic quantum
numbers (pentaquarks) that have relatively low masses and small widths. We shall
briefly review both theoretical and experimental status of a possibility of exotica in
the light sector. Next we shall show how to extend chiral models to baryons with one
heavy quark and show that one may expect exotic states also...
Starting from the mass matrix in the $\omega_8$, $\omega_0$ space and subsequently by its diagonalization into physical vector meson states $\omega(782)$,$\Phi(1020)$ by means of the orthogonal matrix in the most general form, all eight possible forms of the $\omega$-$\Phi$ mixing are derived. Taking into account the quark structure of the $\omega_8$, $\omega_0$ states and exploiting the ideal...
Algebraic solution of the four independent couples of physically acceptable $\omega$-$\Phi$ mixing forms gives expressions for $\omega_8$ and $\omega_0$ as functions of the unknown mixing angle $\Theta$ and physical states $\omega$, $\Phi$. Substituting for expressions obtained in a such way for $\omega_8$ repeatedly into Gell-Mann-Okubo quadratic mass formula, which yields $m^2_{\omega_8}$ as...