An significant the upgrade of the Dubna Radiactive Ion Beams facility is the replacement of the ACCULINNA fragment separator with a new high acceptance device - the ACCULINNA-2. The project of a new in-flight facility for low energy $30-60$ AMeV primary beams with $3 ≤ Z ≤ 36$ has been started in 2011. The new device is destined to add considerably to the studies of drip-line nuclei performed with the use of variety of direct reactions known to be distinctive to the $10 – 50$ AMeV exotic secondary RIBs. An overview of the design, construction and commissioning studies of the ACCULINNA-2 device will be presented.
Recently, secondary beam profiles as well as RIBs production rates were measured for $^{15}$N (49.7 AMeV) primary beam and Be target. Example dE-ToF identification spectra and calculated beam purity for selected isotopes will be demonstrated. Measured isotope yields agrees with LISE++ simulations. The $^6$He + $d$ experiment, aimed for the study of elastic and inelastic scattering in a wide angular range, was chosen for the first run. Preliminary results of the measurement will be presented. Future upgrades of ACCULINNA 2 setup (zero degree spectrometer, RF-kicker) and prospects of new experiments achievable with light radioactive ion beams in next years will be discussed.