T4-3 Particle Physics V (PPD) | Physique des particules V (PPD)
- Katherine Pachal (Simon Fraser University (CA))
The Belle II electron-positron collider experiment at the KEK laboratory in Japan is undergoing detector commissioning this year, with first data taking using the full detector planned for early 2019. I will present the physics goals and current status of the project with a summary of recent activities relating to detector construction and the commissioning of the SuperKEKB accelerator. I will...
We study the potential for using CsI(Tl) pulse shape discrimination in order to improve particle identification at high energy electron-positron collider experiments such as the Belle II experiment. Using neutron and proton testbeam data collected at the TRIUMF Proton Irradiation Facility we analyze the scintillation pulse shape differences between photon and hadron energy deposits and...
Our current knowledge of particle physics is best described by the standard model (SM). Despite this, astronomical observations of dark matter made over the past few decades mean that the SM must be incomplete. New models are now motivating the possibility of dark matter being governed by the an extended $SU(3)$ gauge theory resembling Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) for the strong force. This...
At the large hadron collider, most Z bosons are produced in a qqZ vertex, sometimes in association with jets produced via the strong interaction. A more rare production mode for Z bosons is through a triple gauge coupling via a process called vector boson fusion (VBF). This VBF Z process is similar in nature to VBF Higgs production, which is of great interest and is being studied by large...