26–28 Jan 2010
CC-IN2P3, Villeurbanne
Europe/Zurich timezone

FORUM plenary

27 Jan 2010, 10:15
202 (CC-IN2P3, Villeurbanne)


CC-IN2P3, Villeurbanne



Alessandro Paolini (Unknown) Luuk Uljee (SARA)Dr Michaela Lechner (PDC) Vera Hansper (CSC/NDGF)


3 topics last ing 45' each starting with a short presentation before a Q/A session: 1- Nagios configuration and the information available to the regions -- NE/CE NL and Ron Tronpert and Luuk Uljee/ Wojcieh Lapka --> outcome in pole 1 wrap-up session 2- ROD teams readiness for daily operations within NGI structure -- NE NDGF and Vera Hansper/Michaela Lechner --> outcome in pole2 wrap-up session 3- NGI Regional helpdesks integration with GGUS and regional dashboard -- IT IT and Alessandro Paolini/ Guenter Grein/Cyril L’Orphelin --> outcome in pole3 wrap-up session ------------ CONFERENCE ----------------- -- Title : COD22_Forum -- Date : 2010 january 27 -- Time : 10:00:00 local time -- Length : 2:30:00 -- Call number : ---- IP : ---- ISDN : +33 (0)4 26 68 73 02 ---- TEL : +33 (0)4 26 68 73 02 -- Numeric identifier : 32278 (end by #) -- PIN code : 2373 (end by #) ----------- WEB COMPAGNON --------------- -- streaming, document, chat, etc. ---- http://rms.in2p3.fr/compagnon.php?idConf=32278&identConf=2373_COD22_Forum ------------- STREAMING ----------------- -- To stream this conference directly (RealPlayer or QuickTime) connect to: ---- rtsp:// (384 Kbts/s) ---- rtsp:// (768 Kbts/s) -- PIN code : 2373 --------------- INFORMATIONS -------------- -- Email of conference manager mailto:helene.cordier@in2p3.fr -- Owner mailto:helene.cordier@in2p3.fr -- Commentaires : --------------- DOCUMENTS -------------- -- http://rms.in2p3.fr/spaceConfLogin.php?conference=32278 PASSWORD : 2373

Presentation materials