Welcome to Toyama Mini-Workshop BURI2018
The 3rd Winter Toyama Mini-Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology "Basis of the Universe with Revolutionary Ideas 2018 (BURI2018)" will be held on January 16-17, 2018 on Gofuku Campus of the University of Toyama.
The aim of this mini-workshop is to discuss unresolved issues in particle physics and particle cosmology. Topics covered include:
- Collider Phenomenology
- Flavor Physics
- Model Building
- Particle Cosmology
The workshop will take place from 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 16 till 16:00 on Wednesday, January 17 (plan).
Important Dates
- Deadline for Registration / Abstract Submission: January 5, 2018
- Banquet: January 16, 2018
A list of invited speakers includes
- Chuan-Ren Chen (National Taiwan Normal University)
- Motoi Endo (KEK)
- Koji Ishiwata (Kanazawa University)
- Pyungwon Ko (KIAS)
- Kentarou Mawatari (Osaka University)
- and more
Organizing Committee
- Junji Hisano (Nagoya University)
- Mitsuru Kakizaki (University of Toyama) (Chair)
- Shinya Kanemura (Osaka University)
- Takeo Moroi (University of Tokyo)
- Mitsuru Kakizaki (University of Toyama)
- Phone: 076-445-6593 / email: kakizaki _at_sci.u-toyama.ac.jp
Past Workshops
- 2014: http://www3.u-toyama.ac.jp/theory/workshop14/
- 2012: http://www3.u-toyama.ac.jp/theory/workshop12/
Registration for this event is currently open.