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From Higgs to Dark Matter, Geilo 2012, Dr Holms Hotel

Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.
Anna LIPNIACKA (University of Bergen), Heidi Sandaker (University of Bergen (NO)), Per Osland (University of Bergen (NO))

First Topical Meeting  on Consequences of the  Higgs discovery for Dark Matter searches.

Dr Holms Hotel, Geilo , Norway.


This topical meeting follows the spirit of Nordic Particle Physics Meetings. It takes
place in a traditional Norwegian mountain resort, this time in a famous  Dr Holms Hotel, Geilo , Norway. The scientific programme starts on Monday 17th of December  and ends on Wednesday the 19th of December. The travel days are 16th and 19th of December. The program is composed of overview presentations and contributed talks of some of the most actual topics in particle- and astroparticle physics, with an emphasis on consequences of the Higgs discovery on Dark Matter Searches. There will be also a special outreach  session on educational data sharing with the public, in astroparticle and particle physics. The registration/abstract submission deadline is 2nd of December.

Speakers include

  •  Sofia Vallecorsa, Non-collider DM searches.
  •  Pamela Ferrari, Higgs searches and measurement at the LHC.
  •  Nazila Mahmoudi, From Higgs to Dark Matter, models.
  •  Sigve Haug  SUSY and Dark Matter.
  •  Heidi Sandaker, Linking accelerator and non-accelerator DM searches.

Travel information

Train from Oslo or Bergen to Geilo train station. For international travelers it is recommended to fly  to Oslo Gardermoen or Bergen Flesland arriving on Sunday 16th of December and then take a train to Geilo. The train trip takes close to 4 hours and it is following scenic Oslo-Bergen train route.  There are non-expensive flights to Oslo by from many places in the world, there are convenient flights with KLM, both to Bergen and Oslo. There is a convenient KLM connection from Geneva  via Bergen:

On Sunday:KLM Arrive at Bergen airport at 12:15, train at 13:53 or 15:58. On Wednesday: Arrive at Bergen train station at 14:52,KLM  fly back at 17:15.

The connection between Airport and train station can be realized by the airport bus (around 25m, every 15m) or a taxi (around 20m). Trains from Bergen to Geilo can be booked here


Follow scenic train route from Bergen to Oslo on youtube, Geilo is close to half way

Conference fee

A conference fee of 720 CHF covers hotel with full board.
It can be payed directly via this webpage, or in the hotel, in this case
it might increase subject to CHF/NOK rate. Invited speakers are
exempt from the fee.


Accommodation was pre-booked in single rooms, full board for
20 participants, and it will be organized for you once  you register.


Local organizing committee:

  • Anna Lipniacka (University of Bergen),
  • Heidi Sandaker (University of Bergen),
  • Marzieh Vahabi (Univeristy of Bergen).

Recent Nordic conferences in particle physics:

Spaatind 2012 (org NBI) Spaatind 2010 (org Bergen) Spaatind 2008 (org Helsinki) Spaatind 2006 (org Sweden) Spaatind 2004 (org NBI - dead link - sorry) Spaatind 2002 (org Oslo) ......


Excellent cross country skiing.
Also good downhill slopes.
Beautiful spa facilities and swimming pool in the hotel.

Photos preview

Weather (Geilo)
  • Agnethe Seim Olsen
  • Alex Read
  • Anna Lipniacka
  • Bjarne Stugu
  • Catarina Espirito-Santo
  • Christian Farnier
  • David Salek
  • Eirik Sæther Hatlen
  • Heidi Sandaker
  • Jalal Abdallah
  • Jan Oye Lindroos
  • Jan Petter Hansen
  • Knut Dundas Morå
  • Krzysztof Meissner
  • Lars Einar Stieng
  • Mahdi Poormohammadi
  • Maiken Pedersen
  • Marzieh Vahabi
  • Nazila Mahmoudi
  • Nils-Erik Bomark
  • Pamela Ferrari
  • Sigve Haug
  • Sofia Vallecorsa
  • Timo Ruppell
  • Wolfgang Liebig
  • Ørjan Dale
    • Dinner Restaurant, Main "Huvudrestaurant"

      Restaurant, Main "Huvudrestaurant"

      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

    • registration
    • Breakfast Restaurant


      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

    • practicalities and welcome
    • Non accelerator searches for DM
      • 1
        Dark Matter: present and future of direct and indirect searches
        Different techniques are being used to characterize the nature of Dark Matter, and to test whether its properties can explain the astronomers' puzzling observations: from underground detector to telescopes and satellites observing debris produced by Dark Matter annihilation in the Universe. I will give a review of direct and indirect searches, focusing on some of the latest results and future projects.
        Speaker: Dr Sofia Vallecorsa (Israel Institute of Technology (IL))
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break Lobby


      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

    • Indirect searches of DM in gamma gamma detection
      • 2
        Indirect detection of DM with gamma-ray experiments
        Dark Matter in form of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles can annihilate and produce high energy (E>100MeV) gamma rays. Not deflected by magnetic field, they can be used to probe for the existence of DM in different location, e.g. at the Galactic centre or in dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Pair conversion space-based telescopes like Fermi-LAT, and an array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes such as H.E.S.S. or the future CTA, have reached the sensitivity to study models with relic density thermally allowed. In this talk I will describe the functioning principles of these experiments and present some of the latest results.
        Speaker: Dr Christian Farnier (Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University)
    • Ski &Lunch Break
    • Higgs searches, review
      • 3
        Higgs measurements and perspectives
        The most relevant results by the ATLAS collaboration will be summarised, focusing on the perspectives of measuerements and analyses that can be performed shortly after the shutdown.
        Speaker: Pamela Ferrari (NIKHEF (NL))
    • Dark Matter and Supersymmetry, LHC
      • 4
        SUSY and DM with ATLAS
        An overview of the current ATLAS SUSY search strategy and results is given. This includes published analyses using up to ~13 fb-1 from the 8 TeV data set ("HCP status"). In the interpretation some emphasis is set on models providing dark matter candidates (~ 40+10 min).
        Speaker: Dr Sigve Haug (AEC University of Bern)
    • 17:00
      Coffee Break
    • Dark Matter and Supersymmetry, LHC
      • 5
        SUSY and Dark Matter with tau leptons at the LHC
        Search for Supersymmetry in p-p collision events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and tau leptons with the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Dr Wolfgang Liebig (University of Bergen)
    • From Higgs to DM, models
      • 6
        From Higgs to Dark Matter
        Speakers: Nazila Mahmoudi (Universite Blaise Pascal (FR)), Dr Nazila Mahmoudi (LPC Clermont & CERN)
    • Outreach in particle and astroparticle physics
      • 7
        IPPOG Masterclasses 2013
        The International Particle Physics Outreach Group arrange Masterclasses for teachers and high school students across the world. \\ An IPPOG Masterclass is an educational resource which utilizes real data from LHC to give insight in particle physics, and hands-on experience with data analysis. \\ In 2011, the IPPOG Masterclasses underwent a substantial upgrade, and new of next year, is a Higgs search introduced as follow-up of the recent discovery by ATLAS and CMS.\\ This presentation will give an overview of the ATLAS Masterclasses, and describe the latest developments including the Higgs search.
        Speaker: Ms Maiken Pedersen (University of Oslo)
      • 8
        Outreach in particle and astroparticle physics in Portugal
        An overview of recent activities in particle and astroparticle physics is given. Seminars, masterclasses and projects to be carried out by students both in research labs and in the schools are presented. Special emphasis is given to activities related to the LIP participation in the LHC experiments and in the Pierre Auger Observatory.
        Speaker: Catarina Espirito Santo (LIP)
    • Dinner Restaurant "Braserie"

      Restaurant "Braserie"

      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

    • Dr Holms Hotel, movie Library


      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.
    • 07:30
      Breakfast Restaurant


      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

    • Linking accelerator and non-accelerator searches for DM
      • 9
        Linking accelerator and non accelrator searches for DM
        Speaker: Heidi Sandaker (University of Bergen (NO))
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break Lobby


      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

    • monojets and monophotons review
      • 10
        Monojets and Monophotons at ATLAS
        Studies of events with single high energy jet or photon and large missing transverse momentum at the Large Hadron Collider is one of the most direct way to search for physics beyond the Standard Model. The backgrounds from Standard Model processes are dominated by jets/photons production associated with Z or W bosons that undergo leptonic decays to neutrinos and/or unidentified electrons or muons. The sensitivity to new physics signals relies on the good understanding and the accurate estimation of these backgrounds, and therefore the use of data-driven techniques is often required. In this talk I will present a compilation of the latest results from the monojets and monophotons searches based on the analysis of the 2011 and 2012 pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and 8 TeV respectively. The results are interpreted in the context of various models Beyond the Standard Model but a particular attention is put on the standard "WIMP miracle" dark matter scenario, and the comparisons with the Direct and Indirect Detection experiments.
        Speaker: Jalal Abdallah (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
    • Ski &Lunch Break
    • Dark Matter and Supersymmetry, LHC
      • 11
        Constraining mSUGRA with Dark Matter searches and the LHC
        The LHC is steadily setting new limits on the supersymmetric, and particularly the mSUGRA parameter space. This talk will concern the intersection of astrophysical searches for dark matter and LHC searches, and the prospect of an ATLAS analysis of a plane of the parameter space.
        Speaker: Knut Dundas Mora (University of Bergen (NO))
      • 12
        Search for SUSY in tau final states at ATLAS
        Supersymmetry (SUSY) is a theoretically attractive model of particle physics which solves many of the theoretical problems of the Standard Model. An important one of these, dark matter, is solved in SUSY by the production of new stable, weakly interacting particles. With the unprecedented energy and luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) large regions of the SUSY parameter space may be investigated and new heavy and rare particles can be searched for. A search for Supersymmetry with tau leptons in the final state, using data collected in 2011 at the ATLAS detector at the LHC will be presented. A combined search including final states with missing energy, jets, light leptons and at least one tau (one tau, two tau, tau+e and tau+mu) has been carried out. The results are used to set limits on the visible cross section of new physics processes and producing exclusion limits on a specific SUSY model (GMSB).
        Speaker: Mr Ørjan Dale (University of Bergen)
      • 13
        Search for viable SUSY Models Discoverable at LHC
        We present a framework for finding interesting regions of Supersymmetric parameter space, in light of experimental constraints and the possibility of detection at LHC using specific experimental signatures. The framework has been applied to find viable CMSSM models with $\tau$-lepton signatures observable with the 2012 LHC data.
        Speaker: Jan Oye Lindroos (University of Bergen (NO))
    • Conformal Standard Model, Higgs and Dark Matter
      • 14
        Higgs, second scalar and an axion in the Conformal Standard Model
        Higgs, second scalar and an axion in the Conformal Standard Model
        Speaker: Prof. Krzysztof Meissner (University of Warsaw)
    • 17:00
      Coffee Break Lobby


      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

    • Getting most out of the Higgs measurements
      • 15
        Statistical methods in Higgs to gamma gamma signal extraction and mass measurement
        Statistical methods in Higgs to gamma gamma signal extraction and mass measurement
        Speaker: Prof. Alex Read (University of Oslo)
      • 16
        Making the most of Higgs to tautau
        With a mass around 125 GeV, a handful of events are already expected to be present in the current ATLAS analysis searching for the SM higgs in the tau+tau-. Unfortunately, this channel has low mass resolution and high backgrounds, notably from Z decays, so it is difficult to establish a significant signal. In addition to reviewing the latest ATLAS results, this talk also presents some ideas that could be helpful in optimising the sensitivity to a signal, and eventually contribute to establishing the spin of a higgs candidate.
        Speaker: Prof. Bjarne Stugu (Bergen)
    • Dark Matter and SUSY, models
      • 17
        Comparison of neutralino and sneutrino dark matter in a model with spontaneous CP violation
        Comparison of neutralino and sneutrino dark matter in a model with spontaneous CP violation
        Speaker: Mr Timo Ruppell
      • 18
        If the neutralino is not dark matter, can it be heavier than the chargino?
        If R-parity is violated, we no longer expect the neutralino to be dark matter. Then one might ask, is it possible for the chargino to be lighter than the neutralino in such scenarios? That would indeed lead to spectacular signals at the LHC, like chargino decays to three charged leptons. This possibility was studied using bayesian scanning in the form of SuperBAYES. Using Non-universal Higgs masses as well as gaugino mass parameters, in order to allow maximum freedom in the neutralino sector, the conclusion is that the chargino-neutralino mass difference is unlikely to go much below 130 MeV. However, with the most important competing decay channel for the chargino being to neutralino and pion, this is small enough to allow R-parity violating chargino decays at the LHC.
        Speaker: Nils-Erik Bomark (University of Bergen)
    • Dinner Restaurant


      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

    • Breakfast Restaurant


      Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

    • Axions and Dark Matter, experiments, theory
      • 19
        Axions, experiment and theory
        Speaker: Prof. Krzysztof Meissner (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw)
    • Conference summary
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break Lobby


    • Checking out of the hotel
    • lunch