9:00 AM
Welcome to CERN
R. Heuer
9:30 AM
The Evolution of the Universe - An Overview
J. Lesgourgues
11:00 AM
Search for Extrasolar Planets with COROT
M. Fridlund
9:00 AM
The First Three Minutes of the Universe
R. Landua
10:00 AM
The Large Hadron Collider
D. Brandt
11:00 AM
Experiments at the LHC
C. Rembser
9:00 AM
Stars - In the Sky and on Earth
V. Naulin
10:00 AM
Origin of the Solar System
B. Foing
9:00 AM
The Amazing Zoo of Extrasolar Planets
D. Queloz
(Geneva University)
10:00 AM
Highlights from Observations with Large Telescopes
O. Hainaut
11:00 AM
Education Programmes and Teaching Resources
R. Landua
T. Baine
(CERN Teacher in Residence)
9:00 AM
Cosmic Microwave Background and the Planck Mission
J. Tauber
10:00 AM
Formation of Stars and Planetary Systems
L. Testi
11:00 AM
Q & A Discussion Session
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
The Structure of Matter - Discoveries and Mysteries
R. Landua
4:00 PM
Visit of the CERN Exhibition (Globe)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Q & A Discussion Session
3:00 PM
Visit of the CERN Facilities
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Visit of the International Geneva
7:30 PM
Course Dinner, Geneva
12:00 PM
Q & A Discussion Session
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
How to Build a Cloud Chamber
M. Storr
4:00 PM
Visit to the Geneva Observatory
D. Queloz
(Geneva University)
12:00 PM