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ISOLDE Seminar

Status of the SPES facility at INFN-Legnaro

by Alberto Andrighetto (INFN-LNL)

508/1-001 (CERN)




The SPES Project at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro  is now in its construction phase. SPES is an ISOL type Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility for the production of neutron-rich radioactive nuclei by uranium fission. RIBs will be produced by proton induced fission on a UCx multi foil direct target at a rate of 1e13 fps. The driver is the proton cyclotron delivering beam on different target stations. The production target and the first mass selection element  (Wien Filter) will be housed in a high radiation bunker. Before the High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (HRMS) a RFQ cooler to reduce the input emittance. After passing through the HRMS, the selected isotopes will be stopped inside the Charge Breeder and extracted with increased charge (n+). A final mass selector will be installed before reaching the PIAVE-ALPI accelerator, to clean the beam from the contaminations introduced by the Charge Breeder itself. The exotic isotopes will be re-accelerated by the ALPI superconducting LINAC at energies of 10 AMeV and higher, for masses in the region of A=130 amu, with an expected rate on the secondary target up to 1e9 pps.