21–23 May 2018
Topland | Hotel & Convention Center Phitsanulok
Asia/Bangkok timezone

A study of charmed baryon production from chiral effective Lagrangian with heavy-quark symmetry and large-$N_c$ constraints

22 May 2018, 11:45
Sukhothai Room

Sukhothai Room

Oral High Energy and Particle Physics A12: High Energy Physics


Mr Thanat Sangkhakrit (Suranaree University of Technology)


In this work, we will calculate the cross-section of charmed baryon production near threshold from $p\bar p$ annihilation processes. We employ 3-point vertices chiral effective Lagrangian of D-mesons, charmed and light baryons based on $SU(2)$ flavor symmetry, there are 15 terms in total. By using heavy-quark symmetry (HQS) and large-$N_c$ operator analysis, one can reduce the number of low energy constants (LECs) down to 5. The reactions, $p\bar p \rightarrow \Lambda_c \bar \Lambda_c$, $\Sigma_c \bar\Sigma_c$ and $\Sigma_c^*\bar\Sigma_c^*$, are investigated by using our chiral effective Lagrangian with HQS and large-$N_c$ constraints. Results from our work will be used to compare with several models in literatures. In addition, we hope that our results might be useful for planning the measurements of the relevant processes from the $\bar{P}$ANDA facilities in the forthcoming future.

Primary author

Mr Thanat Sangkhakrit (Suranaree University of Technology)


Mr Thananuwat Suyuporn (Suranaree University of Technology) Dr Daris Samart (Department of Applied Physics, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan) Dr Nopmanee Supanam (Department of Physics, Srinakharinwirot University) Prof. Yupeng Yan (School of Physics, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology)

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