In this talk we will discuss non-Abelian T-duality as a solution generating technique in type II Supergravity, briefly reviewing its potential to motivate, probe or challenge classifications of supersymmetric solutions, and focusing on the open problem of providing the newly generated AdS brackgrounds with consistent dual superconformal field theories. These can be seen as renormalization fixed points of linear quivers of increasing rank. As illustrative examples, we consider the non-Abelian T-duals of AdS5xS5, the Klebanov-Witten background, and the IIA reduction of AdS4xS7, whose proposed quivers are, respectively, the four dimensional N=2 Gaiotto-Maldacena theories describing the worldvolume dynamics of D4-NS5 brane intersections, its N=1 mass deformations realized as D4-NS5-NS5’, and the three dimensional N=4 Gaiotto-Witten theories, corresponding to D3-D5-NS5. Based on 1705.09661 and 1609.09061.