2:00 PM
How Well are MINER$\nu$A 1$\pi$ Results Modeled?
Aaron Bercellie
2:40 PM
CC0$\pi$ in the Medium Energy Beam in MINER$\nu$A
Jeffrey Kleykamp
3:05 PM
Transverse Kinematic Imbalance in Minerva: Past, Present, and Future
Rob Fine
3:30 PM
MINER$\nu$A Low-Recoil Tune and its Implications
Xianguo Lu
4:30 PM
MicroBooNE detector, modelling and performance
Anne Schukraft
5:00 PM
MicroBooNE charged-current inclusive cross section measurement
Marco Del Tutto
5:25 PM
MicroBooNE charged-current neutral pion cross section measurement
Joel Mousseau
5:50 PM
MicroBooNE electron neutrino inclusive cross section
Colton Hill
6:15 PM
MicroBooNE charged-current analyses with final state protons
Raquel Castillo Fernandez