16–20 Jul 2018
Other Institute
US/Eastern timezone

DAMIC - Dark Matter In CCD: Looking for Dark Matter with CCDs

20 Jul 2018, 14:00
Other Institute

Other Institute

University at Albany, SUNY 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222 USA
Talk (12+3min)


Mr Joao Da Rocha (LPNHE)


DAMIC for Dark Matter in CCDs, will search for dark matter particle interaction with silicon CCDs. The experiment takes place at SNOLAB where 8 CCDs are used. We measure the energy spectrum of ionization events in the bulk silicon of charge-coupled devices down to a signal of 60 eV electron equivalent. Thus it’s necessary to measure and understand our background noise. I will give an introduction on the DAMIC experiment (pros and cons of the CCDs, Dark Matter Particles). Then I will give a presentation of the different works produced to evaluate the background noise ( Geant4 simulations, Analysis of the data).


Mr Joao Da Rocha (LPNHE)

Presentation materials