CREMLIN WP7 Discussion



Lucie's office
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      Plans for our outstanding Cremlin deliverables (Cremlin ends on 31/8/2018)

      — Deliverable 7.3: Workshop focusing on internationalisation and joint research for STC (<= responsibility BINP);
      — Deliverable 7.4: Follow-up report on internationalisation and joint research for STC (<= responsibility BINP);
      — Deliverable 7.6: Final progress report on the Cremlin data management platform for lepton colliders (<= responsibility CERN).

      Speakers: Aleksey Vasiljev (Budker institute), Evgeni Levitchev (Unknown), Iouri Tikhonov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU)), Lucie Linssen (CERN)
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      Preparation of input for the meeting of the SPAB (Cremlin advisory board) on February 21st

      — Recommendations for future European-Russian SCT collaboration;
      — Ideas for a future SCT Work Package in CREMLINplus on “Joint conceptual and technical design”.

      • Which will be the main directions of the planned work packages?
      • What would the grant in your future WP mainly be used for (personnel? Acquisition?..) - very roughly only
      • Extension of planned WP consortia in the follow up project
      • Perhaps already examples of Tasks within the WPs?
      Speakers: Aleksey Vasiljev (Budker institute), Evgeni Levitchev (Unknown), Iouri Tikhonov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU)), Lucie Linssen (CERN)
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      Speakers: Aleksey Vasiljev (Budker institute), Evgeni Levitchev (Unknown), Iouri Tikhonov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU)), Lucie Linssen (CERN)