This session will be done in a training, hands-on format, covering topics related to containers.
Topics include:
It is recommended to bring your own laptop to follow the different exercises. Please make sure you have docker (>17.09) installed on your laptop, you can login to and that you have enough quota on your personal OpenStack project - minimum 2 instances, 4 cores.
UPDATE: We're providing an alternative way to get hold of the necessary clients and libraries.
You can simply launch a VM in your OpenStack Personal Project, as follows:
# ssh lxplus7-cloud-testing # openstack server create --image 2ddd02c9-68df-4507-b329-9dec05635543 --flavor m2.medium --key-name <YOURKEYPAIR> <YOURUSERID>-handson
The last part of the training will involve some examples running on Kubernetes.
Please try to create a cluster in advance, issuing the following command:
# ssh lxplus7-cloud-testing # openstack coe cluster create --cluster-template kubernetes --node-count 1 --keypair <YOURKEYPAIR> <YOURUSERID>-handson-kub
If you need any help prior to the session contact one of the organizers.