60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F) (CERN)

60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)


Show room on map

Slovak companies with potential to do business with CERN visited CERN on 22nd of March 2018 in order to meet the CERN technical parties and procurement officers who have expressed interest in these companies.

After the morning informational session about the collaboration of CERN with Slovakia in terms of Industry and Knowledge Transfer, more than 60 tailor-made B2B meetings between Slovak companies and CERN experts took place during the afternoon.  

Following the welcome from CERN directorate, the welcome and opening by H.E. Madame Andrea Matisová Elscheková, the Ambassador of the Slovak Republik in Switzerland, and opening remarks including the address of Ms Oľga Nachtmannová, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, marked 25 years of membership of the Slovak Republic in CERN and identified new possibilities and settings for future activities with CERN in order to boost the existing potential of cooperation regarding Business opportunities (including Knowledge Transfer). Concept and vision of future collaboration was outlined by Industrial Liaison Officer of Slovakia at CERN, Dr. Barbora Bruant Gulejova. 

This workshop was a follow-up of the successful event “CERN SLOVAKIA: INDUSTRY AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER”  which took place on 25th of March 2015 at the Ministry of Economy of Slovak Republic in Bratislava and which laid the foundations for informing Slovak research institutes and Slovak industry about business opportunities with CERN and the potential for transferring the knowledge and technology from CERN.

Event was livestreamed and recorded (all videos are available directly in the agenda).




There is a live webcast for this event
    • 08:30
      Meeting at CERN reception CERN Reception

      CERN Reception

      Address: 385 Route de Meyrin, 1217 Meyrin
      See instructions how to get there in submenu "Practical information"

    • 08:45
      Networking coffee 60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)

      60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)


      Show room on map
    • Session 1: Welcome and Opening Statements 60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)

      60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)


      Show room on map
      Convener: Mr Thierry Lagrange (Head of Department of Industry, Procurement and Knowledge Transfer)
      • 1
        Opening speech by CERN management
        Speaker: Dr Martin Steinacher (Director for Finance and Human Resources)
      • 2
        Welcome by the Ambassador of Slovak Republic in Switzerland
        Speaker: Mrs H.E. Andrea Elschekova Matisova (Ambassador of Slovak Republic in Bern)
      • 3
        Address by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
        Speaker: Mrs Nachtmannova Olga (State Secretary of Ministry of Education, Research, Science and Sport of Slovak Republic)
      • 4
        ILO - Concept and vision of future collaboration
        Speaker: Dr Barbora Bruant Gulejova (Industry and KT Liaison officer of Slovakia at CERN)
    • 10:00
      Official photo 60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)

      60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)


      Show room on map
    • Session 2: Presentations of CERN 60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)

      60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)


      Show room on map
      Convener: Dr Barbora Bruant Gulejova (Industry and KT Liaison officer of Slovakia at CERN)
    • 12:00
      Networking lunch Restaurant 1 - Glassbox

      Restaurant 1 - Glassbox

      Hosted by Embassy of Slovak republic in Switzerland

    • Session 4: B2B meetings of Slovak companies with CERN technical parties CERN Main Building

      CERN Main Building

    • 18:00
      Informal aperitif of companies and organisers R1
