ROOT Team Meeting

32/1-A24 (CERN)



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Axel Naumann (CERN)
CERN number: 71400 Extension: 109284483#

Action Items:

* Update release notes for development release (All)
* Resolve ninja warning about hsimple.root (Oksana, Guilherme)
* Update new FAQ and how-to in ROOT Forum (All)
* Add template for Forum post and how-to-make-a-good-post blur (Bertrand, Guilherme, Vassil).


Attendees: Philippe, Danilo, Enric, Xavi, Stefan, Oksana, Yuka, Olivier, Vassil, Guilherme, Simeon, Bertrand, Jim P.

Vassil: We ought to have a generic statement on what user can provide to help us help them.  

Oksana: I am looking at the ninja warning about duplicate rule on hsimple.root.    The ‘duplicate’ rule was added because with make run with roottest in parallel, a rule that needed hsimple.root ran before it was created.

Bertrand: We generate hsimple.root at build time since it is used by many tutorials.  So rather than having the user be surprised by a tutorial failure.  

Danilo: I would like to put up some release.

Bertrand: Should we subscribe all forum users to the News section?

All/most: yes, it is a good idea.

Bertrand: There are now an FAQ section and an How-to section in the Forum.  Please populate as soon as possible.  Keep the how-to short and focused.

Bertrand: Should I forbid the “Uncategorized” topic, hence forcing user to pick on?

All/most: yes, it is a good idea.

Bertrand: I could add a template for new post that hint at what information we need.

Philippe: we should have in the template points to a longer description on how-to make a good reports/question.

Olivier: We should make sure the old how-to body/link points to the new one.

Enric: I presented on how to incorporate Cppyy into ROOT where I shown that we can do it straightforwardly but we need to reimplement the ROOT pythonization.

Enric: Stefan also presented how to have a python-world (bumpy-array) could adopt memory created by the C++.

Vassil: why cppyy?

Danilo: This would allows us to leverage the work being done by Wim, he already has fixed many issues present in PyROOT.

Danilo: Pushed last part of code of VecOps.  Further development for May release (including more flexibility in the branch name spelling supported).

Enric: See PPP meeting.  Inverted School of Computing, mentoring students.

Xavi: Measuring performance of VecCore.   Good but not optimal.   Found that initializing a mask is very costly.  Need to look further

Stefan:  In pythonization, adding member functions is easy but adding data member is hard.  Looked int cppyy, IML.

Jim: Can you add properties, which behave like data members but are implemented as methods?

Stefan: Good idea, I will look it up.

Yuka: Try to remove clang-iteration from ROOT.  Found a bug in lld which prevent it from linking ROOT.  (It is twice as fast as Gold so it is worse).  

Olivier: v7 graphics text and lines, making progress. Updated how-to and FAQ.  Converting long how-to documentation to doxygen.

Vassil: On shift.  Fix one major issue in cling: getting stable address of reference type in case class has overload & operator.  Incorporating the left-over from Raphael.   Would like to enable the auto-loading of entities inside namespace but blocked by too many iteration (See Yuka).

Guilherme: Working on TBufferMerging with task inside of threads.   Actually looking at using the task that is pushing data to do the merging.   

Simeon: Worked on Cling to add CUDA support.  Two main problems: generating host code and generating device code.  We have found a way to do a semi-interactive implementation.  Challenging because the CUDA platforms rely depends on the system and thus there is challenge is doing the proper detection.

Bertrand: 99% of the regular test passing.  57% of roottest passing.   (But half of the real number are using linux things, like bash, make, etc..)



There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:00 16:05
      News 5m
      • Meetings this week
    • 16:05 16:15
      Shift handover 10m
    • 16:15 16:25
      Meeting Summaries 10m
      • I/O
      • PPP
      • TMVA
    • 16:25 16:40
      Topics 15m
      • dev release
      • switch to LZ4
    • 16:40 16:55
      Round table 15m
    • 16:55 17:00
      A.O.B. 5m