ETICS Technical Commitee




Conference Name: ETICS Technical Committee meeting Recurrence: Every Thursday at 15:30 CET Dial-in numbers: +41227676000 (Main) Access code: 0126137 (Participant) Participant site:
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      Welcome and headcount
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      Status reports
      Highlights of the week, 5 minutes for each WP (NA2, SA1, SA2, JRA1, JRA2)
      • a) NA2
        Events - On 19th October presented ETICS with focus on A-QCM to the 37th JTC1/SC7/WG6 Meeting (meeting on evaluation and metrics of ISO representatives of the software and system engineering committee). The whole session was followed with great interest by the attendees and all the comments made were very positive towards ETICS and A-QCM. I will be sending a report with the list of feedback by tomorrow EOB. - On 21st October presented ETICS to Gtac (google test automation conference) - On 21st October presented ETICS with focus on testing and A-QCM at QA&Test conference - Presented ETICS as part of a more general presentation on “Integrated Service and Desktop Grids for Scientific Computing” at the 8th DCABES conference Other activities - Preparing the “friends of ETICS” survey. It aims at collecting extra info from people who have shown interest or may be interested in ETICS and are part of the ETICS potential customers DB. The questions had been prepared before the summer holidays but the activity had been postponed because of other priorities. The questionnaire has been enhanced and an on-line tool has been used to create the survey. Some tweaks are still needed. Hope to send the survey out in the middle of next week. - Prepared a news in html format to send internally to ENG on the 37th JTC1/SC7/WG6 Meeting to raise internally interest towards ETICS. Aiming at preparing similar news also for members of ETICS potential customers DB external to ENG. - On 21st October presented ETICS with focus on testing and A-QCM at QA&Test conference Deliverables - DNA2.6 waiting for contribution from CERN. - DNA2.8 sent the final version to PMB on 5th October. It integrated comments coming from internal and external reviewers. - DNA2.7 prepared TOC and adding the info available at the moment on dissemination events and the design of the A-QCM plugin. Waiting for results coming from the trial certification to complete the document.
      • b) SA1
        ++ Services - SA1 Services had problems with SL5 builds. Temporarily fixed but still problems. - Working on the features agreed in Budapest plus the usual activities ++ Releases - Release 2.4.7 will have the new client (1.4.10) with plugins and bug fixes - Release 2.5.0 will have multi-node only. - All Release descriptions are available here: ++ Development - Continuing from last week - Working on multi-node testing on all aspects involved (WS, repository, clients, etc) - Adapting the Web Applications to support the configuration and launch of multi-node tests. - Plugins are included and executed. Collecting metrics every build - Dashboard for a User Project is being tested for etics itself. - VMloader (ex bootstraper) can execute and report the results on vmware. Working in integrating it with NMI. Dynamically runs builds and tests on a worker node with VMWARE and the images of SL4 SL5 on 32,64 bits. As a proof of concept and prototype is a success. - Privacy: Disable anonymous access (guest = no access) given to Uwe seems sufficent. - AQCM report is considering many metrics. Only a few missing. Reports generated. - Plug-ins integration continuted. The plugins received are now integrated. - Submitters integration progressing on the development environment (SA2). ++ Deliverables - Sent draft 0.2 of DJRA1.4 (implementation of VM support). Need some more content on the sections from UoW. ++ Issues to Discuss - Bologna's eticsdev installed? - Installation in VEGA now running? - SL5 worker nodes problem
      • c) SA2
        Support ------- - Two tickets, one solved, one looked after by Marian. 5 externals processed New Applications ---------------- - VEGA deployment working. Thanks to Lorenzo for the support. Next things Uwe will work on are sroting out privacy problem for svn credentials, and then puttign in EGOSMF. Infrastructure Integration Job Submission ------------------------------------------ - Marian provided a configuration that should work. Still a bit too much should and perhaps in the deployment process. - UNICORE submitter ready, now under testing. Deliverables and Milestones --------------------------- - DSA2.6 PM20 Progressing, but slower than we expected. Will be ready within next week. Reviewers? - MSA2.4 PM20 Will have an installation within the end of the month.
      • d) JRA1
      • e) JRA2
        mplementation Beta version of the selenium grid (web acceptance and browser testing on multiple maschines) plugin is ready. Now work is done to have implemented testNG plugin needed for these types of tests. Extensive testing of this distributed plugin will be done next week. DesktopGrid Application Adding real in the BOINC server is difficult due to the licening issue. Some of the source code of these applications aren’t open source, there are some discussions on it how to include them in ETICS. To have some progress in this issue Eva will contact Uwe in the coming days to ask on the technical steps on how they resolved this problem. Working on BOINC client is in progress some issues with dependencies encountered. Deliverables DJRA2.5 – the document is updated following the comments. Waiting the contribution from Sztaki, Robert has been in China.
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      User satisfaction survey, AOBs
      First version of the online survey at:
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      Deliverables, milestones and planning check
      Formal check of agreed milestones and planning
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      ETICS USIS (User Satisfaction Improvement Strategy)
      Improving user satisfaction about usage of the ETICS services is critical. ETICS is often perceived as slow and difficult to use. This is due to a number of factors: 1) Need for technical improvements in speed and usability 2) Disinformation or third-party rumours 3) General resistance to adopt 'procedures' We need to understand what to focus on and have a plan to address this issue as a combination of technical enhancements, training and dissemination. Where to start?
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