A new community on the horizon: CS3 — Cloud Services for Synchronization and Sharing

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


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Ignacio Reguero

This is a joint IT Technical Forum - Computing Seminar.

There is a live webcast for this event
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      A new community on the horizon: CS3 — Cloud Services for Synchronization and Sharing

      CS3 (Cloud Services for Synchronization and Sharing) is a new and growing community, which was initiated at the kick-off event in 2014 at CERN.  Over the past few years CS3 workshops have become a point of excellence for cloud storage services and featured four editions hosted across Europe: CERN, ETH Zurich, SURFSara Amsterdam and CYFRONET Krakow. The distinct mark of CS3 is that it grew bottom-up, without a central entity being a sponsor or providing top-down funding. 

      At CS3 the industry leaders such as Dropbox present alongside startups or confirmed SMEs. CS3 also provides a discussion forum: what is the future of on-premise services deployed “in your lab” in the era of global transformation of the IT industry with the advent of commercial  (“public”) cloud services on a massive scale? One of the strengths of the on-premise model for research institutions is the integration of cloud storage and file sharing services with other services available on site: Data Analysis Services, Cloud Infrastructure Service Stacks for Data Science, Collaborative Environments and so on. CERN is at the leading forefront of CS3 with many services such as EOS, CERNBox, SWAN, CVMFS but also services developed by other groups at CERN which are well established in the landscape of our laboratory.

      CS3 is a place where interesting collaborations are fostered inside and across participating organizations. In this presentation we will show several examples of such collaborations. We will also summarize the latest workshop and invite the audience to the upcoming CS3 event in January 2019 in Rome: http://cs3.infn.it

      Speaker: Jakub Moscicki (CERN)