EM-U #63: Visit ImpactHub Geneva

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Impact Hub Geneva 1 rue Fendt 1201 Genève Switzerland

The next meet-up will indeed be special, as it will be the first one held outside the walls of CERN.

Let's learn more about a key player in the Geneva entrepreneurship ecosystem, Impact Hub - a community of social entrepreneurs, a co-working space, an innovation lab and a start-up incubator - by visiting their space. Co-founder and Head of Operations, Felix Stähli, will present the Hub, their mission as well as explaining us the value of such communities. Moreover, we will get to know a handful of the start-ups of ImpactHub.

To get to ImpactHub, let's take the tram together from CERN at 17.37, and for this particular meet-up, remember to register through Indico.

After the meet-up, let's go for refreshments in Geneva at Bains des Paquis.

HEADS UP: Everyone must register for this EM-U
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