patrick marchand
04/05/2010, 10:00
Patrick Marchand, on behalf of the SOLEIL RF group
The 352 MHz RF accelerating systems for the SOLEIL Booster (BO) and Storage Ring (SR) are in operation since mid 2006. In the BO, a 5-cell copper cavity of the CERN-LEP type is powered with a 35 kW solid state amplifier. In the SR, the required RF accelerating voltage (up to 4.4...
Sergey Belomestnykh
(Cornell University)
04/05/2010, 11:00
Two accelerator facilities at Cornell University use CW superconducting RF systems: Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) and ERL injector prototype. The CESR RF operates at 500 MHz and employs two high power klystrons and four single-cell superconducting cavities. The 1300 MHz ERL injector system has six klystron transmitters and one IOT-based transmitter feeding five superconducting 2-cell...
Doug Horan
(Argonne National Laboratory)
04/05/2010, 11:30
Performance of the Advanced Photon Source 352-MHz rf systems will be described, with emphasis on system reliability and related hardware issues. Recent failures involving high-voltage capacitors and cavity input couplers will be discussed. Methods employed to minimize klystron-related downtime will be described.
Shigeki Sasaki
04/05/2010, 13:30
The RF system of the booster synchrotorn and of the storage ring at SPring-8 is equipped with 1MW CW klystrons. For the booster two klystrons are used and the phase between the two klystrons are changed accorging to the ramping up of the electron energy from 1 GeV to 8 GeV in order to form the accelerating voltage by the vector sum of the two outputs. The power produced by the 2 klystrons are...
Kenneth Baptiste
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
04/05/2010, 14:30
The Advanced Light Source (ALS) is a 3rd generation light source operating in her 17th year and is in the midst of a vigorous series of upgrades including Top-Off, Magnet PS’s, SRRF, Insertion Devices, Control System & Diagnostics that will keep ALS near the forefront in its specific synchrotron radiation regime. The Storage Ring RF is being upgraded over the next three years to meet a modest...
04/05/2010, 15:30
The high current driver accelerator of the SPIRAL 2 project uses independently phased resonators working at 88 MHz. One RFQ, three normal conducting rebunchers and twelve and fourteen SC cavities of two different families have to be driven with amplifiers ranging from few to tens of kW, for a total installed RF power up to 750 kW.
Solid state power amplifiers equipped with circulators are...
Tom Powers
(Jefferson Lab)
04/05/2010, 16:30
Jefferson Lab (JLab) is proposing JLAMP (JLab AMPlifier), a 4th generation light source covering the range 10–100 eV in the fundamental mode with harmonics stretching towards the oxygen k-edge. The scientific purpose is to study ultrafast dynamics in complex systems as a pathway to the understanding and creation of novel materials and devices. The machine will be based on an energy upgrade to...
multiple authors
05/05/2010, 08:30
James Rose
05/05/2010, 09:30
Various methods of measuring RF amplitude and phase jitter and time correlated DC power supply variations are presented. A simple setup using a 4 channel scope as a digitizer is described. Measurements of the DC power supply variations and correlated RF amplitude and phase jitter of the klystron amplifier and SRF cavity fields for the Canadian Light Source are presented and the results summarized.
Slawomir Kwiatkowski
05/05/2010, 13:30
The 88-Inch Cyclotron is operated as a national facility in support of U.S. Department of Energy programs in basic nuclear science. The RF system of the cyclotron is based on the quarter-wave cantilever type resonating structure powered by 500kW 4648 RCA RF tetrode operating in grounded cathode configuration. The resonance frequency range of the RF system is 5.5MHz to 16.5MHz. Prohibitive...
Arthur Grelick
(Argonne National Laboratory)
05/05/2010, 14:00
The proposed baseline design for the addition of short X-ray pulses at a sector of the Advanced Photon Source (APS) storage ring called for 20 superconducting deflecting cavities, each excited with 5 kW cw at 2815.5 MHz, which is the 8th harmonic of the storage ring frequency. A klystron amplifier has been designed based on a best effort, reduced power, engineering sample tube. The initial...
Paco Sanchez
06/05/2010, 08:30
Jean-Paul ABADIE
06/05/2010, 09:30
ELTA is an AREVA subsidiary specialized in Radiofrequency Equipments and High Power Supplies for Aeronautics, Nuclear and Scientific applications.
In the frame of the upgrade of RF Power Amplifiers currently in operation at ESRF Booster (BO) and Storage Ring (SR), ELTA is in charge of the design and manufacturing of seven 150 kW SSA operating at 352 MHz .
This 150kW SSA is based on the...
Doug Horan
(Argonne National Laboratory)
06/05/2010, 10:00
An investigation into the feasibility of utilizing solid-state rf power systems to replace the existing 352-MHz klystron-based rf power systems for the Advanced Photon Source booster and storage ring rf systems was started. Data from tests conducted on a dual-transistor/single-package LDMOS device capable of 1kW CW rf output at 352MHz will be discussed. Design details and test data for a...
Ti Ruan
06/05/2010, 11:00
The required RF power for the SOLEIL Booster and Storage ring is provided using 352 MHz solid state amplifiers (1 x 35 kW and 4 x 190 kW). They consist in a combination of a large number of 330 W amplifier modules (1 x 147 and 4 x 726), based on a design developed in house, with LDMOS transistors, integrated circulators and individual power supplies. After about four years of running, the...
Hartmut Büttig
(Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf)
06/05/2010, 11:30
The prototype of a "tunk key" 10kW@1.3GHz solid state power amplifier, designed and built by Bruker BioSpin Wissembourg/France has been tested at the superconducting linac ELBE in the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf.
The talk gives an overview on the design, its RF-parameters and the first 8-week period of test and operation at the superconducting CW-linac ELBE.
Jean-Maurice MERCIER
06/05/2010, 14:00
As presented in detail at the CWRF’2008 workshop, the ESRF RF system will undergo a major upgrade, klystrons being replaced with high power solid state amplifiers (SSA) and existing five-cell cavities of the storage ring with strongly HOM damped single cell cavities. The company ELTA, who has a technology transfer contract with SOLEIL, was selected to produce the first batch of seven 150 kW...
Nikolai Schwerg
06/05/2010, 14:30
The LHC accelerating RF system merely consists of a 300 kW klystron, a 3-port circulator, a superconducting cavity and an RF load. The resonance of the superconducting structure is strongly influenced by the external RF system. The loaded Q, i.e. the external quality factor of the cavity, therefore also depends on the reflection of the circulator.
The circulators are equipped with a...
06/05/2010, 16:00
Developments in Accelerator High Power RF Distribution.
06/05/2010, 16:30
Project X and its RF systems.
James Rose
07/05/2010, 09:30
The superconducting cavity designed for the Cornell Electron Storage Ring B-Factory (CESR-B) has been successfully adapted for use in synchrotron light sources and are in use at Canadian Light Source, Taiwan LS, Diamond LS, Shanghai LS. The coupling for these systems results in external Q's of ~250,000 to 150,000. For application in new large diameter high brightness light sources such as...
Yoon Kang
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
07/05/2010, 10:00
High power RF processing of RF components has been performed at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) for installation, commissioning, and operations support of its linac accelerating cavity structures. SNS linac employs various types of accelerating structures: the normal conducting RFQ, drift tube linac (DTL), and coupled cavity linac (CCL) cavities and the superconducting RF linac (SCL)...
Eric Montesinos
07/05/2010, 11:00
Description of the new CERN-SPL, ESRF and SOLEIL RF power couplers.
David Bromberek
(Argonne National Laboratory)
07/05/2010, 11:30
In operation since 2002, the APS 350-MHz cw rf test stand is used primarily for testing and conditioning of storage ring rf cavity components. Successes, failures, and conditioning techniques will be discussed, as well as recent improvements including the implementation of an automated conditioning script, input coupler design modifications, and future plans.